The smartics Checkstyle Suppressions Configuration

Suppressions XML File

The documented checkstyle configuration file content (Download checkstyle-smartics-suppressions.xml).

  <!-- JUnit Rules require the rules field to have public visibility. -->
  <!-- See -->
  <suppress files=".*(?:Test|TestBase|Tutorial)\.java$" checks="VisibilityModifier"/>

  <!-- For our tests we do not demand API documentation. -->
  <!-- See -->
  <suppress files=".*(?:Test|TestBase|Tutorial)\.java$" checks="Javadoc.*"/>
  <suppress files="[/\\]src[/\\]test[/\\]java[/\\].*\.java" checks="Javadoc.*"/>

  <!-- For our tests we do not limit the length of lines since names of test methods may
       get quite long. -->
  <!-- See -->
  <suppress files=".*(?:Test|TestBase|Tutorial)\.java$" checks="ExecutableStatementCount.LineLength"/>

  <!-- For our tests naming has no constraints. -->
  <!-- See -->
  <suppress files=".*(?:Test|TestBase|Tutorial)\.java$" checks="MethodName"/>

  <!-- For our tests no design for extension. -->
  <!-- See -->
  <suppress files=".*(?:Test|TestBase|Tutorial)\.java$" checks="DesignForExtension"/>

  <!-- Suppress checks for generated code. -->
  <suppress files="[/\\]target[/\\]" checks=".+"/>

  <!-- Suppress checks for hidden files and folders. -->
  <suppress files="[/\\]\..+" checks=".+"/>

  <!-- Suppress checks for archive and class files. -->
  <suppress files=".+\.(?:jar|zip|war|ear|sar|par|class|ser)$" checks=".+"/>

eclipse Configuration

Provide the path to this file by the the property suppressions.file (e.g. in eclipse).

Screenshot of Checkstyle configuration dialogs to set the suppressions.file property.