Defining doctypes and spaces based on the projectdoc Toolbox.

The projectdoc Toolbox provides a collection of tools to create page and space blueprints. Page blueprints are called doctypes, because they come with additional features and services.

To create your own doctypes and space blueprints with projectdoc, you need to create a project for your Confluence blueprints. With this project developers create deployable units in the form of OBRs or JARs.

The Doctypes Maven Plugin (free and open source) allows users to define their doctypes and space blueprints as models and generate the Confluence blueprints project. The plugin for Maven also generates metadata for additional services at runtime.

A very simple project based on models, providing one doctype and one space, is available on Bitbucket at


It is not required to use the Doctypes Maven Plugin to define your projects. Since there are a number of constraints to obey, it is usually recommended.

In case you are not dependent on the extra metadata, a third party tool to define your blueprints is a valid choice. There third-party tools often make it very easy even for team members without extensive coding experience to define their own blueprints.

What does the extra metadata provide? It allows to autocomplete certain parameters in macro editor or conduct ancestor searches. While these are cool features they are not necessary for the majority of use cases.