Tracking team mood (or excitement) can be tracked by the use of the Display Table Macro and the Confluence Chart Macro.


If members of a team track their mood or excitement by keeping a journal, the values can be easily rendered in a chart.



Use the Display Table Macro to fetch the data for each team member. Use the Confluence Chart Macro to create the chart.

The following chart shows the mood of a two-member team over a period of the last four dates.


The following example assumes that the following add-ons are installed.

  1. projectdoc Toolbox (commercial)
  2. Developer Diaries Add-on (free, but requires the projectdoc Toolbox)

Logging Team Members Mood

There are properties defined for the Day doctype that allows team members to express their excitement and mood for each day.

The example employs the Day Rating Macro. The expected excitement and mood is represented by a small image.

Using the projectdoc Toolbox this information may be specified as properties on any document. You do not need to use the Developer Diaries Add-on to use this feature. For this example we assume that each team member keeps a Developer Diary or Journal.

Fetch Team Member Data

Add a Display Table Macro for each team member to the body of the Confluence Chart Macro.

First configure the table data.

This is how to configure the macro:

  1. Since the mood is logged on documents of type Day, the Doctype(s) is set to day.
  2. Select the by setting Select to Day and the Mood value - since you need the text representation of the mood, use the $ as a suffix: Day, Mood$
  3. Constrain the selected rows
    1. E.g. set Where to Day=2016* to select only dates of the year 2016
    2. Set the Space Key to the space where the team member's journal is located
  4. Typically you want the rows list the days descending: Set Sort By to Day-
  5. State the range you want to log with Max Hit Count, in our example it is the last four values, but you may track the values of the last 14 logs
  6. To see the name of the team member in the legend use Header Translations and translate mood to the name of the team member, e.g. Mood$=Anton

Repeat this for each team member.

Render the Data in a Chart

There are multiple ways to render the data. The easiest one may be to render the mood as a Time Series. Use the following steps to render the Confluence Chart Macro:

  1. Set Type to timeSeries
  2. Set Display Orientation to horizontal
  3. Check Time Series?
  4. Set Date Format to yyyyMMdd
  5. Set Time Period to Day