Access properties from aspect documents.


This macro uses supplied properties from aspect documents.

Aspect Support


This is basically a pre-configured version of the Document Properties Supplier From Documents Macro to make the use of Aspects easier.

In case you need more control over the form of incorporating properties, replace this specialized macro with the generic version.



If checked information passed from the space configuration will be overridden by this macro.

Note that every property will be overridden.


If checked the table containing the properties will not be rendered.

For some pages the metadata is irrelevant to the reader or may be rendered by other means. In this case set this flag to true.


The value may be set by the Space Property hide-metadata. If you want to override this, use Override.


The unique identifier of the set of properties in this document.

The identifier allows to list only properties imported by this macro. In case more than one Document Properties Supplier From Documents Macro is used on a document, a unique identifier is required.

Render As

Select a rendering mode for the document properties.

The following values are valid:


The properties are rendered in a table. The first column is the property key, the second the property value. Controls are not rendered, since they are not important to the reader.

definition listThe properties are rendered as a definition list. The property key key is the definition term, the property value the definition value.
horizontal tableThe properties are rendered with a heading (property key) in the first and the data (property value) in the second row. Available since version 6.0.4.

The value may be set by the Space Property render-metadata-as. If you want to override this, use Override.

CSS Class

This controls the formatting of the table. The CSS class applied to the table or definition list.

Related Macros

The following macros relate to use Aspects with the projectdoc Toolbox.

The query matched no documents.


An aspect is a document attached to another document to supply properties and sections. Aspects support modular documentation while the information can be still accessed in one document.
Using Aspects
Document Properties Supplier From Documents Macro