Renders a document graph in a graph language allowing the body to contain arbitrary content (including transclusions).


The Body Graph Macro acts similar to the Graph Macro but allows rendered content in its body. This makes it possible to reuse graph specifications using the Transclusion Macro.


With the body of the macro the rendering of the graph is controlled quite similar to the Graph Macro.

The body of the Body Graph Macro allows rendered content which allows the employment of the Transclusion Macro to reuse graph specifications. Additional content should be added to the body within a preformat (pre) or paragraph (p) element. Otherwise newlines are consumed, rendering the specification in one long line.


This syntax is currently experimental and is subject to change.

Comment lines start with a hashmark ('#').


Names of nodes and edges select on document properties. If the document properties change, the specification in this macro does not.

Therefore by changing a selecting property of a document, the graph specification needs to be adjusted to reference the new name.