Displays all properties of a document as a writing tool for authors.


This macro helps authors to check, what properties are set in a document.

This is especially useful to access artificial properties, which are not shown on the document in edit mode.


Here is an example of this page:

Document Properties

AncestorIds 272728864 272728864 artificial
AncestorLevel 3 3 artificial
AncestorNames projectdoc Toolbox Online Manual projectdoc Toolbox Online Manual artificial
Audience <macro> Author
Categories <macro> Development
Creation Date artificial
Creation Date Timestamp 0000001404676500000 0000001404676500000 artificial
Creation Date$ 06. Jul 2014 06. Jul 2014 artificial
Creation Date§ 20140706 20140706 artificial
Creation Time 21:55 21:55 artificial
Creation Time$ 21:55:00 21:55:00 artificial
Creation Time§ 215500 215500 artificial
Creator robert.reiner robert.reiner artificial
Creator$ Robert Reiner Robert Reiner artificial
DirectAncestorId 272729634 272729634 artificial
DirectAncestorTitle Macros Macros artificial
Doctype macro macro hide
Doctype Homepage macro macro artificial
DocumentPropertyRefs PDACX.Macros:Space Key, PDACX.Macros:Title, PDAC.Author:Name, PDACX.Macros:Name PDACX.Macros:Space Key, PDACX.Macros:Title, PDAC.Author:Name, PDACX.Macros:Name artificial
Index Key D D artificial
is-a macro macro artificial
Iteration <macro> Production hide
Labels macro, projectdoc macro, projectdoc artificial
Last Modification Date artificial
Last Modification Date Timestamp 0000001581540472000 0000001581540472000 artificial
Last Modification Date$ 12. Feb 2020 12. Feb 2020 artificial
Last Modification Date§ 20200212 20200212 artificial
Last Modification Time 21:47 21:47 artificial
Last Modification Time$ 21:47:52 21:47:52 artificial
Last Modification Time§ 214752 214752 artificial
Last Modifier robert.reiner robert.reiner artificial
Last Modifier$ Robert Reiner Robert Reiner artificial
Locale en_GB en_GB artificial
Name Display All Document Properties Macro Display All Document Properties Macro
Page ID 272729707 272729707 artificial
Page Key PDACX.Display All Document Properties Macro PDACX.Display All Document Properties Macro artificial
Parent <macro>
projectdoc Display in Property Name References Name Name artificial
projectdoc Document Name References category:Development, role:Author category:Development, role:Author artificial
projectdoc Macro Parameter Names doctype, exclude-self, index, level, marker-column-property-name, names, override, property, property-name, render-as-definition-list, render-mode, render-no-hits-as-blank, replace-title-with-name, restrict-to-immediate-children, select, show-title, sort-by, title, value, where doctype, exclude-self, index, level, marker-column-property-name, names, override, property, property-name, render-as-definition-list, render-mode, render-no-hits-as-blank, replace-title-with-name, restrict-to-immediate-children, select, show-title, sort-by, title, value, where artificial
projectdoc Property Control Name References artificial, hide, is-single-value artificial, hide, is-single-value artificial
projectdoc Property Name References Categories, Name, Short Description, Sort Key, Title Categories, Name, Short Description, Sort Key, Title artificial
projectdoc Property Names AncestorIds, AncestorLevel, AncestorNames, Audience, Categories, Creation Date, Creation Date Timestamp, Creation Date$, Creation Date§, Creation Time, Creation Time$, Creation Time§, Creator, Creator$, DirectAncestorId, DirectAncestorTitle, Doctype, Doctype Homepage, Index Key, Iteration, Labels, Last Modification Date, Last Modification Date Timestamp, Last Modification Date$, Last Modification Date§, Last Modification Time, Last Modification Time$, Last Modification Time§, Last Modifier, Last Modifier$, Locale, Name, Page ID, Page Key, Parent, Relative URL, RootPathPageIds, Short Description, Short Name, Sort Key, Space, Space Key, Space Title, Space$, Space§, Tags, Tiny URL, Tiny URL$, Tiny URL§, Title, URL, URL$, URL§, Version Number, VersionHistory, Wiki Type, is-a, projectdoc.doctype.common.locale AncestorIds, AncestorLevel, AncestorNames, Audience, Categories, Creation Date, Creation Date Timestamp, Creation Date$, Creation Date§, Creation Time, Creation Time$, Creation Time§, Creator, Creator$, DirectAncestorId, DirectAncestorTitle, Doctype, Doctype Homepage, Index Key, Iteration, Labels, Last Modification Date, Last Modification Date Timestamp, Last Modification Date$, Last Modification Date§, Last Modification Time, Last Modification Time$, Last Modification Time§, Last Modifier, Last Modifier$, Locale, Name, Page ID, Page Key, Parent, Relative URL, RootPathPageIds, Short Description, Short Name, Sort Key, Space, Space Key, Space Title, Space$, Space§, Tags, Tiny URL, Tiny URL$, Tiny URL§, Title, URL, URL$, URL§, Version Number, VersionHistory, Wiki Type, is-a, projectdoc.doctype.common.locale artificial
projectdoc Property Value References Development Development artificial
projectdoc Property Values /display/PDACX/Display+All+Document+Properties+Macro, 0000001404676500000, 0000001581540472000, 06. Jul 2014, 1, 12. Feb 2020, 2014-07-06, 20140706, 2020-02-12, 20200212, 214752, 215500, 21:47, 21:47:52, 21:55, 21:55:00, 272728863, 272728864, 272729634, 272729707, 3, Author, D, Development, Display All Document Properties Macro, Displays all properties of a document as a writing tool for authors., Macros, PDACX, PDACX.Display All Document Properties Macro, Production, Robert Reiner, en_GB, https://www.smartics.eu/confluence/display/PDACX, https://www.smartics.eu/confluence/display/PDACX/Display+All+Document+Properties+Macro, https://www.smartics.eu/confluence/x/a4ZBE, macro, page, projectdoc, projectdoc Toolbox Online Manual, robert.reiner, robert.reiner:2020-02-12 /display/PDACX/Display+All+Document+Properties+Macro, 0000001404676500000, 0000001581540472000, 06. Jul 2014, 1, 12. Feb 2020, 2014-07-06, 20140706, 2020-02-12, 20200212, 214752, 215500, 21:47, 21:47:52, 21:55, 21:55:00, 272728863, 272728864, 272729634, 272729707, 3, Author, D, Development, Display All Document Properties Macro, Displays all properties of a document as a writing tool for authors., Macros, PDACX, PDACX.Display All Document Properties Macro, Production, Robert Reiner, en_GB, https://www.smartics.eu/confluence/display/PDACX, https://www.smartics.eu/confluence/display/PDACX/Display+All+Document+Properties+Macro, https://www.smartics.eu/confluence/x/a4ZBE, macro, page, projectdoc, projectdoc Toolbox Online Manual, robert.reiner, robert.reiner:2020-02-12 artificial
projectdoc Select in Property Name References Name, Short Description, Title Name, Short Description, Title artificial
projectdoc Sort-by in Property Name References Name, Sort Key Name, Sort Key artificial
projectdoc Where in Property Name References Categories Categories artificial
projectdoc.doctype.common.doctype macro macro artificial, is-single-value
projectdoc.doctype.common.locale en_GB en_GB artificial
projectdoc.doctype.common.name Display All Document Properties Macro Display All Document Properties Macro artificial, is-single-value
projectdoc.doctype.common.shortName Display All Document Properties Macro Display All Document Properties Macro artificial, is-single-value
projectdoc.doctype.common.spaceKey PDACX PDACX artificial, is-single-value
projectdoc.doctype.common.title Display All Document Properties Macro Display All Document Properties Macro artificial, is-single-value
Relative URL /display/PDACX/Display+All+Document+Properties+Macro /display/PDACX/Display+All+Document+Properties+Macro artificial
RootPathPageIds 272728863, 272728864, 272729634 272728863, 272728864, 272729634 artificial
Short Description Displays all properties of a document as a writing tool for authors. Displays all properties of a document as a writing tool for authors.
Short Name Display All Document Properties Macro Display All Document Properties Macro artificial, hide
Sort Key Display All Document Properties Macro Display All Document Properties Macro artificial, hide
Space PDACX PDACX artificial
Space Key PDACX PDACX artificial
Space Title PDACX PDACX artificial
Space$ PDACX PDACX artificial
Space§ https://www.smartics.eu/confluence/display/PDACX https://www.smartics.eu/confluence/display/PDACX artificial
Tags <macro>
Tiny URL Display All Document Properties Macro Display All Document Properties Macro artificial
Tiny URL$ Display All Document Properties Macro Display All Document Properties Macro artificial
Tiny URL§ https://www.smartics.eu/confluence/x/a4ZBE https://www.smartics.eu/confluence/x/a4ZBE artificial
Title Display All Document Properties Macro Display All Document Properties Macro artificial, is-single-value
URL Display All Document Properties Macro Display All Document Properties Macro artificial
URL$ Display All Document Properties Macro Display All Document Properties Macro artificial
URL§ https://www.smartics.eu/confluence/display/PDACX/Display+All+Document+Properties+Macro https://www.smartics.eu/confluence/display/PDACX/Display+All+Document+Properties+Macro artificial
Version Number 1 1 artificial
VersionHistory robert.reiner:2020-02-12 robert.reiner:2020-02-12 artificial
Wiki Type page page artificial


Since version 1.7.1 the table is sorted by the names of the document properties.



The document the properties are part of.

If not specified, the current document is used.

Document Properties

If checked the projectdoc document properties are rendered. 


From version 1.5.0.

Page Properties

If checked the Confluence page properties are rendered.


This mechanism requires access to private API of Confluence. It may not work on restricted environments.


Available for versions 1.5 to 1.12.

Removed from version 1.13.