After import of a space, a reindex and in some cases a refresh page tree is required.

After importing a space it is typically required to run a re-index to update the Lucene index. In most cases where ancestor queries are involved, an additional refresh of the page tree is required.

This problem currently needs to be resolved manually.

We need a service that identifies this problem and resolves it automatically. This would require to order the sequence of page refreshes according to their link paths. Since the re-index allows us not to control the order of pages being refreshed, this would be an additional service.

Unfortunately, since the re-index is run asynchronously, the user has no feedback when the import or refresh is complete. The logger may provide some information in the logfile, but would be needed to be set to DEBUG level.

To provide a hint on what to do the projectdoc Toolbox logs a warning:

Message in the Confluence Log File
[] warnOnImport Please note that it may be necessary
 to reindex and refresh pages in the projectdoc document cache manually!
For more information please visit ''!

This issue is tracked by PDAC-979 - Getting issue details... STATUS .