The key to the lookup the document within its context. The index key is typically the first character of the name. It may be defined by the author as a document property to override the default.

Index Key
Data Type
Default Value
First letter of the Name Property


The index key is helpful to define glossaries. Authors may sort the hits of a Display Table Macro using the index key and name.

The index key is typically the first character of the name. It may be defined by the author as a document property within the Document Properties Marker Macro to override the default. Since the value may be overridden the index key is technically a special form of an artificial property.


Keep in mind to keep the sort key, the name, and the index key in relation to the reader's expectation.

For glossary items the index key should align with the sort key order. Other doctypes, for instance meeting minutes that are typically have a sort order defined by the date of the meeting, the index key is less important.