Controls the parameter to use for running queries with the projectdoc Toolbox.

Users with administrator privileges can configure the processing of queries conducted by the projectdoc Toolbox.

Page Size

Controls the maximum number of hits returned for a query.

The main concern is on large installations, that a single user query is limited on the resources it uses. This is a requirement to run on Confluence Data Center.

The default value is 100 hits per page. Administrators may use this configuration to adjust this value according to the resources provided to their Confluence installation.

In case the service provides paging, all results can be retrieved page-by-page.

The Web API supports paging. Macros do not. If a macro is limited by the page size, then either a warning or error message (depends on the macro in use) is rendered.

The query results of the following macros are limited by the page size.

The query matched no documents.

The following macros process tables and will render an error message if the underlying macros render a warning message.

The query matched no documents.


More information on this topic is available by the following resources.