Short Description
The space key and a XML element to reference a space are generated by default.


Explains the parameters related to space properties available in the blueprint context.

Add Space Information to Blueprint Context

The space key is accessible by the key spaceKey from the blueprint context.

Since it is sometimes convenient to render a complete XML tag, this XML fragment is also generated and stored by the key spaceKeyElement:

<ri:space ri:space-key="spaceKey" /> 

Here is an example on how to use the XML element with the Create from Template Macro:

<structured-macro name="create-from-template">
  <parameter name="blueprintModuleCompleteKey">someKey</parameter>
  <parameter name="buttonLabel">Some Label</parameter>
  <parameter name="spaceKey"><at:var at:name="spaceKeyElement" at:rawxhtml="true"/></parameter>

This example shows how the spaceKeyElement property is used to render the complete element.