What if no existing doctype matches the purpose of the document? Here are some tips how to handle this situation.

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An author has a specific intention for a document and finds no suitable doctype. How can this situation be handled?

  • You may want to define a new doctype. But the investment may not pay back, if there are not many instances of that type.
  • You may use a generic documentation type, such as Topic. But if you want to add a lot of properties and the few document instances are not easy to find in the set of topics, this may not be the right approach. You may use a Space Index to define a homepage for these topics by adding specific Tags.
  • You may use the Generic doctype and use it as a interims step to decide later, which way to go.
  • You may use the Generic doctype and change the Doctype Property to an arbitrary string (this is called ad-hoc doctype). This may also be considered as an interims solution, since it is not easy to keep track of such doctypes. It also leaves the burden to remember which properties and sections to add to the author.

So it is usually recommended that either the Topic doctype fits or you define a new doctype.


While the doctypes like Topic are generic in the sense that they contain information about any concept, task, or reference, the Generic doctype is not even bound to such a purpose.

If you start to define your own doctype, it is recommended to start with the Generic doctype and add your type-specific properties and sections. See Tour for Template Authors for details.