List of all doctypes provided by add-ons. Provides an overview over doctype IDs and blueprint keys.


The list of doctypes available for projectdoc on this site.


The blueprint key is constructed by the blueprint key prefix defined by the add-on the doctype is part of and the doctype ID.


The blueprint key prefix for the projectdoc Developer Diaries is


The doctype ID for Event is event.

Therefore the blueprint key of the event doctype is


The blueprint key prefixes for the add-ons are listed on the bottom of this page.

The query matched no documents.

Set names that are not rendered as links are not yet published.

Blueprint Key Prefixes by Add-on

The set named 'Native' refers to doctypes provided by the projectdoc Toolbox – which is actually only one doctype Blank Document Doctype.

The query matched no documents.

Doctype add-ons are available on the Atlassian Marketplace and on Bitbucket.