The URI to a JSON document containing the URLs to the documentation for the blueprints.

Data Type

By providing such a JSON file with the space property documentation-json-uritemplate author can provide the documentation for the template (Document Properties Marker Macro) and for the sections (Section Macro) of the template. Authors then are able to access the documentation by clicking the help button in edit mode.

The help button


The JSON map has the names of the doctypes as the keys. The value is a map of section names with URLs as values.

The special key _default_ provides the URL for the doctype itself.

Moreover there is a default mapping that is applied when for a title of a section of a doctype no mapping can be found.

How it works

Here is an example of a short JSON file containing the documentation for the category doctype.

 "category": {
   "_default_"  :"",

The name of the doctype and the name of the section determines the URL to use to guide the author to the documentation section.

The default key will be used, when for a given section title (e.g. "Note") there is no mapping in the JSON file. The URL, in this case 

 is used to construct the URL to the information on the note section

Example of Usage

We use the following URL as value for documentation-json-uri. This is the permanent URL to the file docmap.json we attached to the page DocumentationMap.

The page that hosts the JSON file is DocumentationMap.


The JSON file, which is referenced by using the space property documentation-json-uri, will be cached by projectdoc for one day. If you need to use the new content you provided in your JSON file right now you can flush this cache by selecting flush on the Confluence cache management admin page.

For more details please visit the Confluence help page for Cache Statistics.

To flush the cache: Go to   >  General Configuration  >  Cache Management and flush the cache projectdoc Documentation Cache