Controls which quirk modes are to be applied to adjust the output for a range of formats.

Data Type
Value Range
pdf, scroll-office, word, prefer-css, index-as-heading, suppress-in-document-links

If the space property Pretend Being A is set to printer, the the print-quirk-modes property allows to manipulate the rendering in favor of the specified quirk modes.

The following quirk modes are available.

Quirk ModeDescription
pdfApplies adjustments to export to Microsoft PDF.

Applies adjustments to export with Scroll Word Exporter (formerly known as Scroll Office).

Provides support for the projectdoc boxes to simulate Confluence boxes such that they are displayed as boxes (one cell tables) in Microsoft Word.

wordApplies adjustments to export to Microsoft Word.

Applies adjustments via CSS. This requires that the exporter applies the CSS formats properly.

Some exporters ignore CSS formats. In this case you won't select this quirk mode.

index-as-headingRenders the index sections as HTML h1 headers. Available since version 1.13.0.

Do not render links with the In-Document Link Macro. In case the links are not rendered properly in the export to Word or PDF, select this mode. Available since version 6.0.

The list may contain any of these values.