The Display Table Macro allows to render the values for a collection of properties for compact tables. With Version 4.5 this feature is also supported by the Tour Macro. This tip shows how to use it.

Level of Experience

As shown in the tip Compact Columns, the Display Table Macro allows to render multiple properties in a single table column. Thus tables are rendered more compact, making it easier for readers to browse the content of a page.

With version 4.5 of the projectdoc Toolbox this feature is also available for the Tour Macro. This tip shows how to use this feature.


This article assumes that you have read Compact Columns.

Render Template

A render template references property values by name. A reference is introduced by the dollar sign ($). The name of the referenced property is wrapped in curly braces ({ and }). So to render the value of the property Level of Experience, the following would access the value of the property:

${Level of Experience}

In case you need to render a link with the property value, use the square brackets ([ and ]):


With the Display Table Macro the rendering template is added in the Select parameter. The Tour Macro expects the template in a column header.

The rendered tour:

Since version 4.6 of the projectdoc Toolbox, the render template can also be used in definition list mode.