References listed in tables and lists may come from different sources. The Table Merger Macro allows to render a number of tables (or lists) as one table (or list).

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Suppose there is a list of navigation that is automatically generated by a Display Table Macro. In addition to this list the author of a page needs to add some links manually.

Two lists in editor modeThe page is rendering two bullet lists (easily identified by readers due to the extra space between the second and third item).

Two lists in view mode


The solution to this problem is the Table Merger Macro (available in the projectdoc Toolbox version 2.1).

Merging lists into a single list in editor mode

So the page is rendering a table with items from the former two lists.

A single list in view mode

Not only for Lists!

As the name of the Table Merger Macro indicates, its main purpose is to merge tables generated from multiple sources. The macro also allows to select on and reorder table columns.

It is not important from which source the table is rendered. The following example merges the local table with a table generated by the Display Table Macro and a transclusion of a table by the use of the Transclusion Macro.

Any macro that renders a table can be placed in the body of the Table Merger Macro to be part of a single table (or list - including definition lists - as seen in this tip).

Definition Lists


The projectdoc Toolbox provides the Definition List Macro to render definition lists. But many other macros are able to render lists and tables as definition lists:

Also note: If you simply need to render a hand-crafted two column table into a definition list, have a look at the free version of the Definition List Macro that is part of the Project Documentation Macros Add-on for Confluence server.