It is easy to define the default homepage for a given doctype in a space.

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If the physical location of a document is determined by properties of the document these properties should never change. Otherwise there would be a maintenance cost to pe paid whenever the relied on properties change.

The type of a document typically never changes. Therefore organizing documents by their type is very stable.

Alternative Locations


In case you store a document as a child to another document this typically means that if the parent document is moved or deleted, so should the child documents.

For more information on this refer to Physical Location and Welded Lifespan.


The homepage for a document type is per default a document of type docsection. This homepage is typically created with the space if you use one of the projectdoc space blueprints to create your space.

If a space does not provide a homepage for a given type, it can be created manually. Either with the use of the homepage creation wizard or by assigning an existing page as a the homepage for a given type.

Homepage Wizard

Most doctype add-ons provide a page wizard to create homepages for their doctypes.

This feature is helpful if you either need a document type within a space that has this homepage never created or if someone decided in the past to remove the generated homepage.

Creating a Homepage


Creating a new homepage for a given document type may occur more often than you think.

Suppose your team tracks the iterations with Iteration documents. For all teams these documents are stored in a central department space.

To create such an environment where each team has its own space, but have the iteration descriptions collected in a department space is a two-step adjustment of the team space.

  1. Set the department space as the delegate space of the component space
  2. Remove the homepage for iterations from the team space

When a team is starting a new iteration a new Iteration document is created and sent to its homepage. The new page will be stored on the delegate space's homepage where all iteration documents are collected.

If the team later decides to move the iteration descriptions back into the team space, it simply needs to create a homepage for it in their team space. Then move the iteration documents of that team to their new homepage. All new iteration documents are then stored per default to the homepage (if Send to Homepage is selected).

The homepage is created as a child to the current page. This should typically be the space homepage.

To create a new homepage start the page wizard and select the set the doctype is provided. You may filter by entering "Homepage" into the filter field.

Then select the homepage by selecting the document type.

Define Homepage

An existing homepage can be assigned for a given document type. This selection is defined per space.

Use the space property named Doctype Home. The value is a link to the existing page.

Once the space property is saved, every document of the given doctype is stored as a child page of the specified homepage.


More information on this topic is found on the following locations.

Doctype Home
 projectdoc Doctype Add-ons
Document Type
A document type (doctype) defines the properties and section for document instances. It also provides home and index pages. In Confluence these doctypes are implemented as page blueprints, usually with one template. This template is used to create new pages in Confluence.
Space Properties