Autolist macros allow to display a list of documents dependent on a set of properties. This screencast shows how to use the Display Table macro to select all documents tagged with a given keyword.

Level of Experience
Expected Duration
2:00 minutes

This screencast shows a document collecting all documents tagged with 'X' of the wiki space in a list, using the Display Table Macro. After the collecting document has been created, the screencast adds another three documents tagged with 'X'. Finally the list contains all four documents (including the collecting document that has also been tagged with 'X'), without the collecting document being edited again. Therefore this list is called autolist: it collects all documents with a given set of properties at the time the document is viewed.

The feature is also called dynamic lists.


The Display Table Macro allows to remove the document conducting the query from the list of hits easily. In this example, the document containing the query result is included.

In the background this search is conducted with Confluence Search capabilities which are using Lucene. So every time the page is viewed, the search is executed to collect the latest hits.


While the example shows how to select on the Tags property only, you may select on any property - even properties you just add to the property table for certain document instances - or combination of properties.




You should be familiar with the Display Table Macro. You may would like to watch these screencasts first:


Watch this screencast on YouTube: