To integrate projectdoc documents with remote systems the projectdoc Toolbox provides a REST API. This API is installed separately with a free extension add-on.

The Web API allows to access projectdoc documents remotely via REST.

Use the REST API Browser of Confluence to start using the REST API provided by projectdoc.

The browser is accessible via plugins/servlet/restbrowser. For more information please refer to Using the REST API Browser.

The Web API also supports users to create bookmarklets to automate recurring tasks.

The Web API can be used with userscripts. Userscripts are typically short scripts that are executed in the user's browser.

Userscripts may be added to a browser by the use of a browser extension. Users selectively install and employ the scripts they want to execute in their browser.

You may also choose to deploy the userscripts to execute by the Confluence Administrators. The app Userscripts for Confluence (commercial license) is one option to integrate such userscripts easily.