Module page to collect tips for using the Web API REST Examples.



Collection of Tips for using the Web API Examples.

.netrc File


Using curl -n assumes you are using a .netrc file to authenticate. Please see REST Login to Confluence with cURL for more options.

Alternative to curls -d option for files


The cURL option -d @filename assumes the data that shall be used to PATCH the given resources is in the given file. If you prefer a one-liner the escaped content of the file must follow directly the -d option:

curl -n -X PATCH  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ \
	-d '{"property":[{"name":"Customer Support URL","value":"<a href=\"\">Customer Support</a>","controls":"","position":"after","ref":"Short Name"}, "name":"Service Contact","value":"<a href=\"\"></a>","controls":"","position":"after","ref":"Iteration"}]}' 

urlencode strings


Using cURL it is necessary that the strings of the Query-part of an URL are correctly urlencoded.

e.g. ?where=$<Dokumenttyp>=[it-service] is not a valid query string

So the string following the equal sign must be urlencoded e.g using the linux-urlencode command:

myuser@home ~ # urlencode "$<Dokumenttyp>=[it-service]"

This results to the following complete query string:
