Overview over the different categories of macros that are part of the Information Systems Extension.



Categories of Macros

There are three kinds of macros in this extension. Macros that

  1. help to integrate by identifying domain information
  2. reference or transclude image and text information
  3. reference or transclude text information with explicit URL

The first two versions have in common that the base link is configured at space level (or at site level using the Delegate Space feature). The third category provide tools to access remote information at an individual basis with explicitly specifying the URL.

Domain References

The macros make it easier to link to resources on remote servers. The link is specified in form of a domain specific value, not as a plain URL.

  • The Javadoc Link Macro allows to create a link to information in the API documentation by specifying the class or method.

    Java Elements in Javadoc


    To reference the a class, specify the name of the class like this:


    The following example references a method aMethod():


    Here an example referencing a method aMethod(String, Class<?>) with generics:

    com.example.something.MyClass.aMethod(java.lang.String, java.lang.Class)

    Note to specify the parameters fully qualified and that generic type parameters or wildcards are not part of the reference.

  • Reference to a view on the model create by the Enterprise Architect are created via the Image ID with the Enterprise Architect Image Link Macro.
  • The Nexus Link Macro renders links to artifacts with group, artifact, and version information.


    The macro body contains the reference to the artifact.

    This is the rendered short link:

    The rendered XML code looks like this:

    In this example the title is a link to the artifact on the Nexus server.

Generic Macros

Specify references to images and text based on systems specified at space level.

Use the placeholder feature to create reusable and maintainable space properties.

Explicit URL

 Macros allow to transclude by specifying the URL explicitly.


The extension provides the following macros to specify links or transclusions to remote resources.

The query matched no documents.