Renders a quote from a resource with author and source.



Important information from a resource calls for a quote. To quote from a Resource, use the quote macro.

Here is an example:

Use case descriptions are statements about our system's behavior and how actors interact with it. Use cases describe our software from the perspective of an outside observer. They don't tell how something is accomplished.

Rebecca Wirfs-Brock, Alan McKean. Object Design: Roles, Responsibilities, and Collaborations, p. 112. 2003


The macro provides the following properties:

Wiki Page

The title of the wiki page of the document type Resource.

If left blank, the current document is taken as default, if there is no parent of doctype Resource. If there is, this document is referenced. This makes it easy to collect quotes for a resource by adding the quote documents as children to the resource document.

Source Page

The page the quoted text is found in the referenced resource.


Checkbox to add the authors of the resource. Uncheck if the authors should not be rendered.


Render the source of the quote.

Source Date

Checkbox to add the publication date of the resource. Uncheck if the date should not be rendered.

Since version 1.13 the brackets around the data can be controlled with the space property Quote Macro Render Date with Brackets.


The identifier is rendered as an ID attribute to the blockquote element of HTML.

Since 2.0


The parameter is available since version 2.0.

Quote Type

The quote type determines the HTML class the blockquote element is rendered with.

sayingA saying is an aphorism, epigram, or similar.
textrefA reference to a text resource.
mediarefA reference a video, image, or similar.

Since version 1.15.

Related macros

The following macros help with citing or quoting resources: