Autoconnect to aspect documents.

Page Size Support

The macro references aspect documents and therefore automatically connects to documents with additional information (properties and sections).

Aspect Support


This is basically a pre-configured version of the Child Documents Macro to make the use of Aspects easier.

In case you need more control over the from of references, replace this specialized macro with the generic version.


Data Center Compatibility

To support Atlassian Data Center the macro will limit the number of children displayed to the defined page size. Paging is currently not supported, therefore a warning is rendered if more than the configured maximum of hits are returned.

For more information, please refer to Limitations on Query Results.

Since 6.0


The limitation is checked since version 6.0.

Related Macros

The following macros relate to use Aspects with the projectdoc Toolbox.

The query matched no documents.


An aspect is a document attached to another document to supply properties and sections. Aspects support modular documentation while the information can be still accessed in one document.
Using Aspects
Child Documents Macro