Renders a dynamic link to a Glossary Item in the wiki.


Renders a dynamic link to a projectdoc document of type Glossary Item. It is a specialized form of the Wiki Link Macro.



The title of the document of type Glossary Item to link to.

Abbreviation Mode

Renders the abbreviation or short name with the name as tooltip.

The following options are available:

noneDoes not activate the abbreviation mode. The link uses the name to render the label and the document's short description as tooltip.
nameRenders the abbreviation or short name as label and the document's name as tooltip.
short-nameRenders the abbreviation or short name as label and the document's short name as tooltip.

Since 4.6


The parameter is supported since version 4.6.


The label to render instead of the term.

It may contain property placeholders (like ${Title})  of the referenced document.

Lower Case

When checked the label of the link is rendered in lower case.

This is especially useful for text in the English locale to appear in the body of a section.


Allows to override the tooltip which defaults to the short description provided by the term.

It may contain property placeholders (like ${Name} ${Short Name}).

CSS Classes

The optional CSS classes to add to the link.