If counter elements are rendered purely by CSS styles, setting this flag to true prevents the rendering of the counter within its own HTML element.

Data Type
Default Value

The element may be skipped form being rendered to use only CSS to apply styles to the counter.

Content that is rendered by CSS may not be processed fully by other tools, for instance on a PDF export. Therefore it is usually easier to render content as plain HTML as opposed to CSS that renders content dependent on element attributes.

The rendered HTML element provides a class value of projectdoc-render-counter-element.

Example of Usage

When the property is set to true, the following CSS code renders the counter information.

.def[data-projectdoc-render-counter-def]::before {
    content: "(Def." attr(data-projectdoc-render-counter-def) ") ";
    font-weight: bold;
    font-family: sans-serif; 
.def[data-projectdoc-render-counter-def] p {
    display: inline;

Set the Render Counter parameter of the Content Marker Macro to 'def'.

Then the rendered content of the Content Marker Macro will render (Def.{}), where {} will be replaced by the element's index number (for instance (Def.4) for the fourth element with the a Render Counter named 'def').