Provides detailed information about the architecture of the system.

Software Architecture Documentation (Single Page)
Illegal value

The use of a dynamic property value is not allowed at this position.

Dynamic property values may cause problems when used unintentionally.

The administrators have configured to prevent the use of macro 'projectdoc-link-wiki' identified by 'e110e4b3-ccb5-4789-85bb-46fe07415cdd' in mode 'allow' on page HSCAD.SWAD (Single Page) (15761507) in the context of a document property value.

For more information on the use of dynamic property values, please visit No dynamic Property Values.


Goals of this Documentation

This documentation is an example of arc42 documentation.

You may copy this documentation or parts of it for your own projects. In such cases you must include a link or reference to arc42 or aim42 (we regard this as fair-use).

For real-world projects, the relation of code and documentation is oversized.


We provide absolutely no guarantee, neither for the accuracy of this documentation nor for any property or feature of the software described here.

Do not use this software in critical situations or projects.



Introduction and Goals
Architecture Constraints
System Scope and Context
Solution Strategy
Building Block View
Structural views on the system.
Runtime View
Deployment View
The three nodes (computers) shown in Deployment are connected via public internet.
Design Decisions
Quality Scenarios
Technical Risks
Glossary Items
List of central glossary items.




Introduction and Goals

Requirements Overview

Basic Usage

  1.  A user configures the location (directory and filename) of an HTML file
  2. and the corresponding images directory.
  3. HtmlSC performs various checks on the HTML and

  4. reports its results either on the console or as HTML report.

HtmlSC can run from the command line or as Gradle-plugin.

Terminology: What Can Go Wrong in HTML Files?

Apart from purely syntactical errors, many things can go wrong in html, especially with respect to hyperlinks, anchors and id’s - as those are often manually maintained.

Missing local resources: Referenced local resources (other than images) can be missing or misspelled.

See MissingLocalResourcesChecker.

Illegal links:: The links (aka anchors or URIs) can contain illegal characters or violate HTML link syntax.

See <<IllegalLinkChecker>>

Missing Alt Attribute in Image Tags: Images missing an alt-attribute.

Checking and reporting these errors and flaws is the central business requirement of HtmlSC.

Important terms (domain terms) of html sanity checking is documented in a (small) domain model.

General Functionality

Table 1. General Functionality
read HTML file

HtmlSC shall read a single (configurable) HTML file.


HtmlSC can be run as Gradle-plugin.

command line usage

HtmlSC can be called from the command line with arguments and options.

configurable output

Output can be configured to console or file.

free and open source

All required dependencies shall be compliant to the CC-SA-4 licence.

available via public repositories, like bintray or jcenter.


Types of Sanity Checks

Table 2. Required Checks
missing image files

Check all image tags if the referenced image files exist. See MissingImageFilesChecker.


Check all internal links from anchor-tags (href="XYZ") if the link targets "XYZ" are defined. See BrokenCrossReferencesChecker.

missing local files

Either other html-files, pdf’s or similar. See MissingLocalResourcesChecker.


Check all bookmark definitions (… id="XYZ") whether the id’s ("XYZ") are unique. See DuplicateLinkTargetsChecker.

missing alt-attribute

In image-tags. See MissingImgAltAttributeChecker.


Check for files in image-directories that are not referenced by any of the HTML files in this run.


Table 3. Optional Checks
missing external images

Check externally referenced images for availability.


Reporting and Output Requirements

Table 4. Reporting Requirements
various output formats

Checking output in plaintext and HTML.

output to stdout

HtmlSC can output results on stdout (the console).

configurable file output

HtmlSC can store results in file in configurable directories.


Table 6. Stakeholder
aim42 contributor
contributes to aim42 methode-guide

check generated html code to ensure links and images are correct during (gradle-based) build process

arc42 user
uses the arc42 template for architecture documentation

wants a small but practical example of how to apply arc42.

Documentation author
writes documentation with Html output
wants to check that the resulting document contains good links, image references
software developer
creates software and needs provide documentation for it

wants an example of pragmatic architecture documentation and arc42 usage


Architecture Constraints

HtmlSC shall be:

  • developed under a liberal open-source license
  • integrated with the Gradle build tool
  • platform independend and should run on the major operating systems (Windows™, Linux and Mac-OS™)
  • runnable from the command line

System Scope and Context

Business Context


Business Context


Table 7. Business Context

Neighbour Description
documents software with toolchain that generates html. Wants to ensure that links within this html are valid.
build system
HtmlSC reads and parses local html files and performs sanity checks within those.
HtmlSC checks if linked images exist as (local) files.
Optionally HtmlSC can be configured to check for the existance of external web resources. Due to the nature of web systems, this check might need a significant amount of time and might yield invalid results due to network and latency issues.

Deployment Context



DoctypeNode / ArtifactDescription
artifact repository
global public cloud repository for binary artifacts, similar to mavenCentral. HtmlSC binaries are uploaded to this server.
Gradle build script configuring (among other things) the HtmlSC plugin to perform the Html checking.
hsc user computer
where arbitrary documentation takes place with html as output formats.
where development of HtmlSC takes place
Compiled and packaged version of HtmlSC including required dependencies.

Details see Deployment View.

Solution Strategy

Building Block View

Whiteboxes Level 1

Components of HTML Sanity Checker - Whitebox




Table: HtmlSanityChecker building blocks
Building BlockDescription
core: html parsing and sanity checking, file handling
HSC Command Line Interface
(not documented)
HSC Gradle Plugin
integrates the Gradle build tool with HtmlSC, enabling arbitrary gradle builds to use HtmlSC functionality.
HSC Graphical Interface
(planned, not implemented)
outputs the collected checking results to configurable destinations, e.g. StdOut or a Html file.


We used functional decomposition to separate responsibilities:

  • CheckerCore shall encapsulate checking logic and Html parsing/processing.
  • all kinds of outputs (console, html-file, graphical) shall be handled in a separate component (Reporter)
  • Implementation of Gradle specific stuff shall be encapsulated.

Internal Interfaces

Table: HtmlSanityChecker internal interfaces
build system
currently restricted to Gradle: The build system uses HtmlSC as configured in the buildscript.
local-html and local-images
HtmlSC needs access to several local files, especially the html page to be checked and to the corresponding image directories.
usage via shell
arc42 user uses a command line shell to call the HtmlSC

Blackboxes Level 1


Checker contains the core functions to perform the various sanity checks. It parses the html file into a DOM-like in-memory representation, which is then used to perform the actual checks.
core: html parsing and sanity checking, file handling
Provided Interfaces

Table: CheckerCore Interfaces
Interface (From-To)Description
Command Line Interface → Checker
Exposes the #AllChecksRunner class, as described in AllChecksRunner.
Gradle Plugin → Checker
Exposes HtmlSC via a standard Gradle plugin, as described in the Gradle user guide.

  • org.aim42.htmlsc.AllChecksRunner
  • org.aim42.htmlsc.HtmlSanityCheckGradlePlugin

HSC Command Line Interface

(not documented)

HSC Gradle Plugin

integrates the Gradle build tool with HtmlSC, enabling arbitrary gradle builds to use HtmlSC functionality.

HSC Graphical Interface

(planned, not implemented)


outputs the collected checking results to configurable destinations, e.g. StdOut or a Html file.

Whiteboxes Level 2

CheckerCore - Whitebox



Table: CheckerCore building blocks
Building BlockDescription
Collects all checking results. Its interface Results is contained in the whitebox description
Facade to the different Checker instances. Provides a (parameter-driven) command-line interface.
abstract class, used in form of the template-pattern. Shall be subclassed for all checking algorithms.
Encapsulates html parsing, provides methods to search within the (parsed) html.


This structures follows a strictly functional decomposition:

  • parsing and handling html input
  • checking
  • collecting checking results

Blackboxes Level 2


Collects all checking results. Its interface Results is contained in the whitebox description


Facade to the different Checker instances. Provides a (parameter-driven) command-line interface.



The abstract Checker provides a uniform interface (public void check()) to different checking algorithms. It is based upon the concept of extensible checking algorithms.

abstract class, used in form of the template-pattern. Shall be subclassed for all checking algorithms.


Encapsulates html parsing, provides methods to search within the (parsed) html.

Whiteboxes Level 3

[ResultsCollector] - Whitebox




Table: ResultsCollector building blocks
Building BlocksDescription
a single finding, (e.g. "image 'logo.png' misssing"). Can hold suggestions and (planned for future releases) the responsible html element.
Per-Run Results
results for potentially many Html pages/documents.
results for a single type of check (e.g. missing-images check)
results for a single page


This structures follows the hierarchy of checks - namely managing results for:

  1. a number of pages/documents, containing:
  2. a single page, each containing many
  3. single checks within a page

Internal Interfaces

Table: ResultsCollector Interfaces
The Result interface is used by all clients (especially Reporter subclasses, graphical and command-line clients) to access checking results. It consists of three distinct APIs for overall RunResults, single-page results (PageResults) and single-check results (CheckResults).

Blackboxes Level 3


a single finding, (e.g. "image 'logo.png' misssing"). Can hold suggestions and (planned for future releases) the responsible html element.

Per-Run Results

results for potentially many Html pages/documents.


results for a single type of check (e.g. missing-images check)


results for a single page

Runtime View

Note: Not appropriate for this system due to very simple implementation.

Deployment View



DoctypeNode / ArtifactDescription
artifact repository
global public cloud repository for binary artifacts, similar to mavenCentral. HtmlSC binaries are uploaded to this server.
Gradle build script configuring (among other things) the HtmlSC plugin to perform the Html checking.
hsc user computer
where arbitrary documentation takes place with html as output formats.
where development of HtmlSC takes place
Compiled and packaged version of HtmlSC including required dependencies.


The three nodes (computers) shown in Deployment are connected via public internet.

Sanity checker will:

  1. be bundled as a single jar.

  2. be uploaded to the Bintray repository,

  3. referencable within a gradle buildfile.

  4. provide a main method with parameters and options, so all checks can be called from the command line.


Domain Model


Elements of the Domain

Table: Domain Model
NameShort Description
Html element to create →Links. Contain link-targets in the form <a href="link-target">
Cross reference
Link from one part of the document to another part within the same document. A special form of →internal-link, with a →link-target in the same document.
Description of a problem found by one →Checker within the →Html Page.
Html Element
HTML pages (documents) are made up by HTML elements, .e.g. <a href="link target">, <img src="image.png"> and others. See the W3-Consortium.
A single chunk of HTML, mostly regarded as a single file. Shall comply to standard HTML syntax. Minimal requirement: Our HTML parser can successfully parse this page. Contains →Html Elements. Also called html document.
Identifier for a specific part of a document, e.g. <h2 id="#someHeader">. Often used to describe →link targets.
Link to another section of the same page or to another page of the same domain. Also called local link.
Any a reference in the →html page that lets you display or activate another part of this document (internal ink) or another document, image or resource (can be either →internal (local) or →external link). Every link leads from the link source to the link target.
The target of any →link, e.g. heading or any other a part of a html document, any internal or external resource (identified by URI). Expressed by →id.
local resource
Local file, either other html files or other filetypes (e.g. pdf, docx).
Run Result
The overall results of checking a number of pages (at least one page).
Single Page Result
A collection of all checks of a single → HTML Page.
Universal Resource Identifier. Defined in RFC-2396. The ultimate source of truth concerning link syntax and semantic.

Gradle Plugin Concept and Development


You should definitely read the original [Gradle User Guide] on custom plugin development.

To enable the required Gradle integration, we implement a lean wrapper as described in the Gradle user guide.

class HtmlSanityCheckPlugin implements Plugin<Project> {
  void apply(Project project) {
            type: HtmlSanityCheckTask,
            group: 'Check')

Directory Structure and Required Files

   |  |-src
   |  |  |-main
   |  |  |  |-org
   |  |  |  |  |-aim42
   |  |  |  |  |  |-htmlsanitycheck
   |  |  |  |  |  |  | ...
   |  |  |  |  |  |  |-HtmlSanityCheckPlugin.groovy (1)
   |  |  |  |  |  |  |-HtmlSanityCheckTask.groovy
   |  |  |  |-resources
   |  |  |  |  |-META-INF                           (2)                     
   |  |  |  |  |  |-gradle-plugins
   |  |  |  |  |  |  |   (3)
   |  |  |-test
   |  |  |  |-org
   |  |  |  |  |-aim42
   |  |  |  |  |  |-htmlsanitycheck
   |  |  |  |  |  |  | ...
   |  |  |  |  |  |  |-HtmlSanityCheckPluginTest
  1. the actual plugin code: HtmlSanityCheckPlugin and HtmlSanityCheckTask groovy files
  2. Gradle expects plugin properties in META-INF
  3. Property file containing the name of the actual implementation class:

Passing Parameters From Buildfile to Plugin

To be done

Building the Plugin

The plugin code itself is built with Gradle.

Uploading to Public Archives

To be done

Further Information on Creating Gradle Plugins

Although writing plugins is described in the Gradle user guide, a clearly explained sample is given in a Code4Reference tutorial.

Flexible Checking Algorithms


Failed to render macro

Reason: Invalid scheme for URL. Supported schemes are: [http, https, ftp, ftps, mailto, nntp, news, irc]

We achieve that by defining the skeleton of the checking algorithm in one operation, deferring the specific checking algorithm steps to subclasses.


The invariant steps are implemented in the abstract base class, while the variant checking algorithms have to be provided by the subclasses.

 * template method for performing a single type of checks
 * on the given @see HtmlPage.
 * Prerequisite: pageToCheck has been successfully parsed,
 * prior to constructing this Checker instance.
 public CheckingResultsCollector performCheck() {
    // assert prerequisite
    assert pageToCheck != null
    return check() // execute the actual checking algorithm



Name Short Description
abstract class, used in form of the template-pattern. Shall be subclassed for all checking algorithms.
checks if referenced local image files exist
checks if cross references (links referenced within the page) exist
checks if any id has multiple definitions

Flexible Reporting


HtmlSC allows for different output formats:

  • formats (HTML and text) and

  • destinations (file and console)

The reporting subsystem uses the template method pattern to allow different output formats (e.g. Console and HTML). The overall structure of reports is always the same:

Graphical clients can use the API of the reporting subsystem to display reports in arbitrary formats.

The (generic and abstract) reporting is implemented in the abstract Reporter class as follows:

 * main entry point for reporting - to be called when a report is requested
 * Uses template-method to delegate concrete implementations to subclasses
    public void reportFindings() {
        initReport()               (1)
        reportOverallSummary()     (2)
        reportAllPages()           (3)
        closeReport()              (4)
    private void reportAllPages() {
        pageResults.each { pageResult ->
            reportPageSummary( pageResult )  (5)
            pageResult.singleCheckResults.each { resultForOneCheck ->
               reportSingleCheckSummary( resultForOneCheck )    (6)
               reportSingleCheckDetails( resultForOneCheck )    (7)
               reportPageFooter()                               (8)
  1. initialize the report, e.g. create and open the file, copy css-, javascript and image files.
  2. create the overall summary, with the overall success percentage and a list of all checked pages with their success rate.
  3. iterate over all pages
  4. write report footer - in HTML report also create back-to-top-link
  5. for a single page, report the nr of checks and problems plus the success rate
  6. for every singleCheck on that page, report a summary and
  7. all detailed findings for a singleCheck.
  8. for every checked page, create a footer, pagebreak or similar to graphically distringuish pages between each other.

Styling the Reporting Output


  • The HtmlReporter explicitly generates css classes together with the html elements, based upon css styling re-used from the Gradle JUnit plugin.

  • Stylesheets, a minimized version of JQuery javascript library plus some icons are copied at report-generation time from the jar-file to the report output directory.

  • Styling the back-to-top arror/button is done as a combination of JavaScript plus some css styling, as described in


Credits for the arrow-icon

Design Decisions

HTML Parsing with jsoup


To check HTML we parse it into an internal (DOM-like) representation. For this task we use jsoup HTML parser, an open-source parser without external dependencies.

To quote from the jsoup website:

jsoup is a Java library for working with real-world HTML. It provides a very convenient API for extracting and manipulating data, using the best of DOM, CSS, and jquery-like methods.

Find details on how HtmlSC implements HTML parsing in the HTML encapsulation concept.


Check HTML programatically by using an existing API that provides access and finder methods to the DOM-tree of the file(s) to be checked.


  • few dependencies, so the HtmlSC binary stays as small as possible.
  • accessor and finder methods to find images, links and link-targets within the DOM tree.


  • HTTPUnit: a testing framework for web applications and -sites. Its main focus is web testing and it suffers from a large number of dependencies.
  • jsoup: a plain HTML parser without any dependencies (!) and a rich api to access all HTML elements in DOM-like syntax.

Checking of external links postponed


In the current {revision} we won’t check external links. These checks have been postponed to later versions.

String Similarity Checking with Jaro-Winkler-Distance


The small java-string-similarity library (by Ralph Allen Rice) contains implementations of several similarity-calculation algorithms. As it is not available as public binary, we use the sources instead, primarily:

  • net.ricecode.similarity.JaroWinklerStrategyTest
  • net.ricecode.similarity.JaroWinklerStrategy

The actual implementation of the similarity comparison has been postponed to a later release of HtmlSC

HTML Parsing with jsoup



To check HTML we parse it into an internal (DOM-like) representation. For this task we use jsoup HTML parser, an open-source parser without external dependencies.

To quote from the jsoup website:

jsoup is a Java library for working with real-world HTML. It provides a very convenient API for extracting and manipulating data, using the best of DOM, CSS, and jquery-like methods.

Find details on how HtmlSC implements HTML parsing in the HTML encapsulation concept.


Check HTML programatically by using an existing API that provides access and finder methods to the DOM-tree of the file(s) to be checked.

Problem Constraints


  • few dependencies, so the HtmlSC binary stays as small as possible.
  • accessor and finder methods to find images, links and link-targets within the DOM tree.


  • HTTPUnit: a testing framework for web applications and -sites. Its main focus is web testing and it suffers from a large number of dependencies.
  • jsoup: a plain HTML parser without any dependencies (!) and a rich api to access all HTML elements in DOM-like syntax.


Checking of external links postponed



In the current {revision} we won’t check external links. These checks have been postponed to later versions.

String Similarity Checking with Jaro-Winkler-Distance



The small java-string-similarity library (by Ralph Allen Rice) contains implementations of several similarity-calculation algorithms. As it is not available as public binary, we use the sources instead, primarily:

  • net.ricecode.similarity.JaroWinklerStrategyTest
  • net.ricecode.similarity.JaroWinklerStrategy

The actual implementation of the similarity comparison has been postponed to a later release of HtmlSC


See the domain model for explanations of important terms.