Extracts basic information from a webpage on the Internet and creates a document instance of type resource, person, or organization.

Extracting resource information from a web page.

The bookmarklet extracts standard information from a webpage and posts it to a projectdoc document on the related Confluence server. This makes it a lot easier to create facade documents for resources, persons, and organizations.

It is similar in function as the Share Links Blueprint, but instead of a shared link page, a projectdoc document of a selected type is created.

The text marked on the page when the bookmarklet is started will be considered as a description. For other properties of the doctype the page's metadata like tile or Dublin Core meta tags are taken into account.

To find the target page on the Confluence server, the respective homepage of the doctype is selected. It is recommended that users specify the homepage for the doctypes on their personal homepage.

The bookmarklet can be used to create projectdoc documents from

  • Homepages of books, tools, and other resources
  • Personal information from address book pages
  • Information from organization's website

The bookmarklet may be installed via the bookmarklet button found on the bottom of this page in case you have write access to the smartics Confluence server.

This is an example for a bookmarklet for the projectdoc Toolbox. It requires the Bookmarklets Extension to be installed on Confluence server.

The page with metadata created on Confluence.


The code is available on the resource repository.

Failed to render

Cannot render Information System Macro: Snippet cannot be localized in resource for snippet ID '"use strict";'. The start has not been found, the end has been found.



Note that the bookmarklets we present on this page are work-in-progress.

Currently we even refer to the master branch of the bookmark's JavaScript code. This will change in future once we have proper releases for our bookmarks project.

While we use the code in our daily work, your use case may be different. Therefore please check the code and maybe fork the projectdoc Bookmarklets Project to adjust the code according to your requirements.