Renders information related to a version.


The version box macro allows to provide version-specific information in a visual box.


The macro provides the following properties for configuration.


The title is an optional parameter. If no title is provided, a standard title is constructed based on the values of Since and Until.

Here is an example with title:

Title of the version box


This is the text in a version box.


Provide a version number since when the information of the box applies.

Here is an example with since and no title:

Since 1.23


This is the text in a version box.


Provide a version number until when the information of the box applies.

Here is an example with since and until (but no title):

From 1.23 to 2.42


This is the text in a version box.

Show Icon

The checkbox allows to remove the icon from the box.

Title of the version box

This is the text in a version box.


Tag the box to use for transclusion.

By default the tag version-box is added.


Example for a Version Box

The version box in the page editor.

The rendered version box in the page view mode.

Hint to use this box with K15t Scroll-Office

To export a page using this macro with K15t Scroll Office the Print Quirk Modes should be enabled.

Related macros

Here is a list of alternative boxes to use for your texts: