Displays a single property of a document that is referred by a property of another document and concatenates it with the value of a local property.

Content Reuse, Properties Management

Displays a single property of a document that is referred by a property of another document and concatenates it with the value of a local property.

If the local property is empty, nothing is rendered.

The use case for this macro is to use the property of a referenced document and concatenate it with the value of the property of this document. This is usually only relevant for Template Authors.

Concatenate URIs


One example for using this property is to construct URIs by components.

Suppose you document a component named "Server" that has an URI property with value "https://mycorp".

Another component is a a service on this component which is called "myservice". 

The URI property of the service that is deployed to the server should use the URI of "Server" as a base and append its service identificator.

Use the Display Document Property Ref Concat Macro like this:



The document where a property refers to another document.


Within the Document Properties Marker Macro

  • you must not reference a property of the same document before it is defined. If you use this macro as the value of a document property, the macro must only reference properties that haven been specified prior.
  • do not reference properties of pages with different page access restrictions!

Property Name (local)

The property within the local document to display.

If the value of this property is empty, nothing will be rendered.


For instance you want to append the phone extension (property "Phone Extension") of this document with the "Phone Stem" property of a referenced company (property "Company") document. In this case the Property Name local is set to "Phone Extension".

Property Name (Document)

The property within the given document that refers to another document. That is the value of the property is another document. If the property is not given, nothing is rendered.


Continuing the example of "Property Name", set Property Name (Document) to "Company".

Property Name (remote)

The localized name of the property of the referenced document to display.


Continuing the example of "Property Name", set Property Name (remote) to "Fax Stem".


Do not use as Property Value!


If a doctype value is set, the macro effectively runs a search for a document of a given type and name. Dynamic values are not supported as property values. Therefore this property should not be used.

Either use the Name List Macro (to specify a value that is optionally linked) or use this macro, but make a hard reference (by leaving this parameter value blank).

Since the display document property macros should reference the information (and not query them), the property is likely to be removed in near future.

If specified, the value given as document is used as a document instance name. If not specified, the value given as document is used as a page title.

Space Key (for Doctype)

The name of the space the document is part of. If the document references a page title, not a document name, add the space key in front of the title, separated by a colon.

Default Value

The default value, if the property is not set.


The character sequence that is inserted between the first and the second value of the concatenation.

Append Local

Controls if the local value is appended to the remote value ('true') or if the remote value is appended to the local value ('false').

Prepend Newline

If checked, signals that a newline is to be rendered before the property.


Unique identifier of the macro for the rendered context.

Features may supply default configurations dependent on the value of this property.

Since 4.0


This parameter is available since version 4.0 of the projectdoc Toolbox.

Remote Control


This parameter is used in the context of Remote Controlled Documents.

Identifier Classes

Identifiers to address this macro as part a group for the rendered context.

Features may supply default configurations dependent on the value of this property.

Since 4.0


This parameter is available since version 4.0 of the projectdoc Toolbox.

Remote Control


This parameter is used in the context of Remote Controlled Documents.

Autocomplete Space Closure

Define the scope to search for documents in the Autocomplete context.

Only documents within this scope will be accepted by the Autocomplete for the Documents parameter.

Further constraints on the space can be declared by the use of the Autocomplete Constraints parameter.

Default space is the delegate space of the current space.

Since 4.3


This parameter is available since version 4.3 of the projectdoc Toolbox.

Before this the space closure could not be changed from its default delegate space.

This property is only used in the context of the Autocomplete function. It is only enforced on Autocomplete in the browser.

Changes to the parameter value will only take effect on the next Autocomplete selections. But there is also no guarantee that the list of selected documents will not be filtered later. The not enforced constraint is that the selected documents should match the constraints.content

Autocomplete Constraints

Provide a Where clause to select on documents for the autocomplete feature of this macro.

This parameter is only to control the autocomplete feature of this macro. If empty, no constraints are put on the list documents presented.

Since 4.0


This parameter is available since version 4.0 of the projectdoc Toolbox.

This property is only used in the context of the Autocomplete function. It is only enforced on Autocomplete in the browser.

Changes to the parameter value will only take effect on the next Autocomplete selections. But there is also no guarantee that the list of selected documents will not be filtered later. The not enforced constraint is that the selected documents should match the constraints.content