A short overview on how to use bookmarklets in your browser to add additional features using the projectdoc Toolbox for Confluence.

Level of Experience

Bookmarklets are JavaScript scripts stored in a bookmark of a user's browser. When users select this bookmark then – instead of opening the page at the end of the URL – the JavaScript code is executed.

Users of the projectdoc Toolbox for Confluence can easily extend their browser with bookmarklets to run actions including

  1. Alter Page Content
  2. Show Metadata
  3. Create based on projectdoc Document
  4. Create based on Web Page

This short tip gives one or two examples for each of these use cases.

projectdoc Toolbox 4.2 required!


Most bookmarklets shown on this page require the projectdoc Toolbox with version 4.2 (which is about to be released by the end of January 2020).

This is because the JavaScripts use new services only the latest version will provide.


To run bookmarklets on Confluence in the context of the projectdoc Toolbox, the following apps need to be installed:

The Bookmarklets Extension also provides an editor to create bookmarks from JavaScript scripts.

Dependent on the bookmarklet the Information Systems Extension or doctype add-ons are required.

Alter Page Content

Bookmarklets easily alter content that is rendered in the browser. This is not a special use case for the projectdoc Toolbox. They would work without any projectdoc tools installed.

Example altering page Content


Show Metadata

Authors or readers may want to have access to metadata or related information to the page they are currently working with.

This information is typically shown in a separate window that could be kept open next to the main projectdoc document.

Create based on projectdoc Document

Working with projectdoc documents often results in creating new documents that are related to the current document. The context may provide information that is relevant as metadata for a new document.

Examples creating new documents based on existing documents


Create based on Web Page

When working on a project, information from the web may be relevant to store in the project's library for further reference. There may be certain reports or entities on remote information systems that require a representation in your documentation. Bookmarklets make it easy to scap relevant information form the page currently rendered in the browser and create a new projectdoc document of a certain doctype.

Examples creating new documents based on existing documents