Colored sections or boxes – like the Confluence panel macro – support authors to emphasize their content.

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Using the Section Macro or Content Marker Macro of the projectdoc Toolbox with version 2.0 it is possible to style the section more easily than defining your own CSS classes (see parameter CSS Classes of the Section Macro).

The projectdoc Toolbox provides a set of predefined CSS classes to support rounded boxes with colors easily.

Using the CSS class projectdoc-section-box the following styles are applied:

.projectdoc-section-box {
    border-radius: 25px;
    padding: 20px;
    margin-bottom: 5px;
    margin-top: 25px;

Now in conjunction with three templates for CSS classes colored boxes can be rendered:

  • heading font color: projectdoc-h-COLORNAME
  • content font color: projectdoc-c-COLORNAME
  • background color: projectdoc-bg-COLORNAME


Here is a short example to show how to add a section and configure it to render the section as a box.

Assume to render a section using the Section Macro rendered like this:

Example of a colored section

This is an example of a colored section.

  • This is an example of a colored section.
  • This is an example of a colored section.

Use the section macro, add title and body:

Now simply add the following classes to as value to the "CSS Classes" parameter of the Section Macro:

  • projectdoc-section-box
  • projectdoc-h-White
  • projectdoc-c-DarkBlue
  • projectdoc-bg-Darkorange

In the macro editor these values are added like this:

The CSS class names are separated by whitespace (a single space).


Selection Boxes on ad-hoc Doctypes
Section Macro
Content Marker Macro
CSS Styles
Caution Box Macro
Renders a box containing a caution message.
Deprecated Box Macro
Renders a box containing a deprecation warning for the reader.
Example Box Macro
Renders an example within a box.
Fault Box Macro
Renders a box containing a fault message reported by a team member for the author.
Feedback Box Macro
Renders a box containing a feedback message from a reader with write privilege.
Generic Box Macro
Generic boxes help to easily define one's own boxes to apply certain CSS styles to them.
Info Box Macro
Renders a box containing an info message.
Note Box Macro
Renders something to note by the reader.
Pending Box Macro
Renders a box containing a pending message to be handled later by the author.
Question Box Macro
Renders a box containing an open question.
References Box Macro
Renders a box with references to further information.
Tip Box Macro
Renders a box with a tip for the reader.
Version Box Macro
Renders information related to a version.