Documents the use of the Sort Key Property of search macros.


Sort By

The comma-separated list of document property names to use for sorting.

Per default the sort key then the name of the document is used.

The last modification date is the last arbiter if all other properties are equal.

Since 4.13


Since version 4.13 the parameter supports to reference a space property. The name of the space property has to be prefixed with the paragraph sign ('§').

For instance, if the value for the sort parameter is specified by the space property my-sort-by, then the value of the select parameter is §my-sort-by.

Sort Order

Add a '+' (default) for ascending, a '-' for descending order.

Sort Directives

The directive selects the sort order breadth first (display direct children, then children at level two, the three, and so on) or depth first (run from the root node to the first leaf, second leaf, and so on until no leaf is left, then proceed with the parents sibling and so on). The sorter takes the position of the child (as specified via the space content tool to reorder pages) into account. This may be called the natural sort order since it is the sort order imposed by Confluence and it does not depend on any document property.

Note that all documents in the result set must have a common ancestor.

Directives cannot be used together with other sort constraints. A directive starts with a hashmark (#).

Breadth First

A breadth first sort of a page tree.

Depth First

A depth first sort of a page tree.


There are three different implementations to choose from. Per default the Memory Implementation is used, which should be fine for almost all use cases.

No MemoryThe sorter does not use additional memory to speed up sorting.#BREADTH_FIRST:no-mem

The sorter uses additional memory to store intermediate results for reuse. This speeds up the sorting process for larger result sets.

This is the default implementation.




The sorter materializes the complete subtree and stores it for all look-ups. This is typically the fastest sorter, but requires to know the root node in advance (root page ID).

If the page identifier is not specified, the Memory implementation is used.

#BREADTH_FIRST:mat:{root page ID}
#DEPTH_FIRST:mat:{root page ID}

Artificial Properties

The projectdoc Toolbox provides a number of artificial properties, some of which may be helpful for sorting.

Property NameExample Value
Creation Date§20151008
Creation Timestamp0000001444337808000
Last Modification Date§20170429
Last Modification Date Timestamp0000001493416800000

Type Conversion

Add a type descriptor of the form


The type is mandatory if the additional type descriptor is given. Valid values are

  • date
  • number

The pattern is optional to define a parsing pattern for the specified type.


Here are some examples

Sort ByThe sort order is defined by the ...
Name-... alphanumerical order of names, descending.
Calendar Week@{number}... numerical order of the calendar week, ascending.
Date of Birth-@{date}... date of birth, descending.
Date of Birth@{date/dd.MM.yyyy}... date of birth, using the defined date pattern.