
NameShort DescriptionParent
Collects all checking results. Its interface Results is contained in the whitebox description
CheckerCore - Whitebox
Facade to the different Checker instances. Provides a (parameter-driven) command-line interface.
CheckerCore - Whitebox
abstract class, used in form of the template-pattern. Shall be subclassed for all checking algorithms.
CheckerCore - Whitebox
core: html parsing and sanity checking, file handling
Components of HTML Sanity Checker - Whitebox
a single finding, (e.g. "image 'logo.png' misssing"). Can hold suggestions and (planned for future releases) the responsible html element.
[ResultsCollector] - Whitebox
HSC Command Line Interface
(not documented)
Components of HTML Sanity Checker - Whitebox
HSC Gradle Plugin
integrates the Gradle build tool with HtmlSC, enabling arbitrary gradle builds to use HtmlSC functionality.
Components of HTML Sanity Checker - Whitebox
HSC Graphical Interface
(planned, not implemented)
Components of HTML Sanity Checker - Whitebox
Encapsulates html parsing, provides methods to search within the (parsed) html.
CheckerCore - Whitebox
Per-Run Results
results for potentially many Html pages/documents.
[ResultsCollector] - Whitebox
outputs the collected checking results to configurable destinations, e.g. StdOut or a Html file.
Components of HTML Sanity Checker - Whitebox
results for a single type of check (e.g. missing-images check)
[ResultsCollector] - Whitebox
results for a single page
[ResultsCollector] - Whitebox


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