Checkout further resources on working with projectdoc.

This is the end of the beginner's hands-on tutorial.

What comes next?

  1. Delve deeper into the basic concepts of projectdoc
  2. Learn about using spaces with projectdoc
  3. Check out existing doctypes; discover, which doctypes suite your requirements or learn how to create your own set of blueprints
  4. Learn about macros in your projectdoc Toolbox

Take a Tour

Checkout some of our tours:

NameShort DescriptionAudience
Tour for Document Authors
Tour through the documentation for users who want to learn to create documents based on projectdoc doctypes.
Tour for Template Authors
This is a tour through the documentation for users that want to design their own set of templates or just want to create one or two templates.
Template Author, Documentation Architect
Collecting Information
Get users started with collecting external information that is relevant for their project. Each piece of information is referenced by a resource document. Excerpts and quotes are used to catch detailed information and make it referenceable.
Documentation Architect, Author
Features on one Page
The list of features of the projectdoc Toolbox on a single page.
Quick Start to learn projectdoc in 4 Steps!
More than a short introduction, this tutorial introduces the need-to-know basics to get started with projectdoc.
Reference TourAuthor, Confluence Administrator, Documentation Gardener, projectdoc Developer, Template Author
Tour for Software Developers
Overview over the most relevant information for software developers to create their documentation on Confluence with the projectdoc Toolbox.
Documentation Architect, Author, Documentation Gardener

Browse by Reference

The reference pages give you an overview over configuration and usage options. Especially the overview over the space properties provide an interesting reference of configuration options.

NameShort DescriptionAudience
Query Configuration
Controls the parameter to use for running queries with the projectdoc Toolbox.
Confluence Administrator, Documentation Architect, Documentation Gardener
Dynamic Property Value Handling
Configuration to control how the projectdoc Toolbox handles property values with dynamic content.
Confluence Administrator, Documentation Architect, Documentation Gardener
Artificial Properties
In addition to the properties specified in the document properties table, projectdoc provides additional properties drawn from Confluence or metadata.
Author, Documentation Architect, Documentation Gardener
Blueprint Properties
Lists the configuration options for template authors to control page creation.
Template Author, Documentation Architect, Documentation Gardener
Cache Refresh Actions
projectdoc documents are stored in caches for quick access. Users may want to clear one of these caches.
Confluence Administrator, Documentation Gardener, projectdoc Developer
Information for the configuration options of the projectdoc Toolbox.
Confluence Administrator, Documentation Architect, Documentation Gardener
CSS Styles
Lists CSS selectors provided by the projectdoc Toolbox to apply styles.
Documentation Architect, Confluence Administrator
Doctypes Overview
List of all doctypes provided by add-ons. Provides an overview over doctype IDs and blueprint keys.
Document Property Controls
Lists valid controls for properties to be used in document properties tables.
Author, Documentation Architect, Documentation Gardener
Information System Macros
List of macros linking to or transcluding from external information systems.
Author, Documentation Architect
List of Services
Lists all services provided by the Web API Extension.
List of loggers for monitoring projectdoc.
Confluence Administrator
Lucene Search Fields
Names for fields added to the Lucene search index.
Page Wizard Placeholder
The pages wizards provide placeholder to make page creation easier.
Template Author
projectdoc Doctype Add-ons
Doctype add-ons provide space and page blueprints based on macros from the projectdoc Toolbox.
Documentation Architect
projectdoc Extensions
Extensions augment the projectdoc Toolbox. Features that are not relevant for all users are separated and may be installed on-demand by customers of the Toolbox.
projectdoc System Properties
Lists recognized system properties specified on the command line for starting the Confluence server.
Author, Documentation Architect, Documentation Gardener
Search Tips
Tips on specifying search queries for Lucene. This also applies to projectdoc's query macros.
Author, Documentation Architect
Space Properties
Lists the configuration options at space level.
Author, Documentation Architect, Documentation Gardener
Space Property Controls
Lists valid controls for properties to be used as space properties.
Author, Documentation Architect, Documentation Gardener
System Messages
Overview over system messages displayed in the browser or in a log file.
Trouble Shooting
List of issues encountered with the projectdoc Toolbox and solutions or workarounds to resolve them.