Lost in wiki space? Blank-Wikipage-Syndrome? Where to add? How to find? No fun anymore?

Level of Experience

Wikis are great to create documentation as a team. After a splendid couple of weeks the team added plenty of information to their space. But step by step the information is more difficult to find, since wikis impose very little structure on the documentation architecture. Information is difficult to add, since no one keeps track on the overall goal of the documentation endeavour.

Sounds familiar?
If this is your problem, the projectdoc Toolbox is your solution!

With projectdoc your documentation in your wiki is

  • easier to write
  • easier to extend
  • easier to reuse
  • easier to navigate
  • easier to search
  • easier to read

Three Highlights

The projectdoc Toolbox provides a lot of features to boost teams to a new level of productivity. The following three areas provide information on three aspects of the toolbox that are advertised on the Atlassian Marketplace.