Support for users of projectdoc macros to select from a range of valid values.


The Automcomplete feature is activated by default. It allows Authors to select values for macro parameters from a list of valid values. This includes names of documents, names of attachments, CSS classes, doctypes, and page anchors.


Users in the group of confluence-administrators are able to activate (default) and deactivate the feature on the Features control panel.

In case you find this feature confusing or it interferes with other tools you use on your Confluence platform, simply deactivate it.

There are two subordinate features administrators may select:

Macro Parameter Panel

When activated the macro panel provides a text input box to select a value with autocomplete without opening the macro editor.

While this is often an interesting feature to quickly change values, it has also some issues of the underlying version of the Select2 widget. If your use cases have no issues with the limitations of the integration, you may activate this subordinate feature.

Force ad-hoc Taxonomies

This is a compatibility feature with versions of the Autocomplete feature prior to version 4.0. It allows to specify any value not just the ones configured by the Template Author.

If you have no special uses cases that demand this feature, it is recommended to not force ad-hoc taxonomies.

For more details on automcomplete please refer to the topic about Autocomplete.