Templates are a great tool to make creating and maintaining documents very easy. Blueprints support authors to create documents based on templates. But a large number of blueprints may make it difficult for authors to select the appropriate template. Here are a few tips on dealing with larger amounts of blueprints.

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The projectdoc Toolbox supports template authors to create blueprints. There are quite a large number of blueprints based on projectdoc available on the Atlassian Marketplace and on Bitbucket. Page authors may be overwhelmed by these many blueprints and left unsure about which template they should choose.

What can we do about it?

First of all, there is documentation for each blueprint. Authors need to be aware about what blueprints are available and for which purpose.

Help Button to access Blueprint (Doctype) Documentation

Second: Once the authors have decided which blueprints are relevant to them, they may disable those that do not fit their needs. Disabling is possible on different levels:


The tip Hide projectdoc Tools within Browser shows how to use bookmarklets or usermacros to remove projectdoc tools like doctypes or macros from the view.

Blueprint vs. Template


What is the difference between a blueprint and a template?

A blueprint is a (set of) template(s) with a wizard to guide authors through the process of creating pages in a Confluence wiki. Authors select a blueprint through a dialog and start the wizard.

A blueprint is a set of page templates with added functionality to help you create, manage and organise content in Confluence more easily.

Atlassian. Blueprints

Space Level

To disable blueprints at space level a user needs privileges to manage a space. Blueprints are managed under 'Content Tools'. Click on the 'Space Tools' icon (the cog is typically in the bottom left corner) and then on 'Content Tools'.

The templates of the blueprints are listed on the 'Templates' tab.

Let's assume that you do not need the 'Pattern' template in your space.

To remove this template, disable it on the Templates tab.

Once disabled the template is shown like this:

And for this space only, the 'Pattern' template is no longer shown in the wizard.

Global Level

If you have administrator privileges you are entitled to disable templates and blueprints for all spaces globally.

On the administration icon (the cog is typically in the upper right corner) click on 'General configuration'.

Then select 'Global Templates and Blueprints' on the left.

The interface for managing templates is the same as on space level (with the exception that you cannot promote a blueprint).

Once disabled the blueprint is no longer available on any space.


The number of blueprints available in an Confluence instance may be quite large.

Authors may be confused which templates are useful for them. To help users to figure out more quickly the relevant templates in a given space, space and server administrators can remove templates easily.


More information on Confluence blueprints:

 Blueprints that are based on the projectdoc Toolbox are called doctypes.