Updates projectdoc documents.

REST Method

Updates projectdoc documents. The passed in document is patching the existing document, not replacing. So if only one property is requested to be changed, the passed in document needs to contain only this property. The not mentioned properties are not removed.


Backup your Data!


There is no undo!

It is strongly recommended to run commands only on backed-up instances!

Make a backup of your data before starting to work with this API! Consider to run your experiments on a copy of the production data!

If your environment does not support the HTTP PATCH method try to use the patch resource at projectdoc/1/patch/document/{id} as a workaround.

Note that the path parameter id is overriding by the identifier in the passed in entity.

Patch documents my be specified in XML, JSON (recommended), and Java Properties format.


For examples have a look at Documents Service / PATCH.



The unique identifier of the projectdoc document is mandatory and specified as a path parameter.


Define if properties and/or sections should be expanded. Select from property and section. This parameter refers to the representation returned on the request.

If properties and sections should be expanded, do not use blanks in this value (property,section).


This parameter is supported since Web API version 1.1. Prior to this version the value of this parameter is ignored.


Controls how properties are rendered. Valid values are html,value, and storage (default). This parameter refers to the representation returned on the request.

The parameter is available since version 1.1.


 Flag to control whether a new version should be created. If set to false, the document is saved without creating a new version. Defaults to true to create a new version.

The parameter is available since version 1.2.


 The optional comment for the version. If no new version is created, the current comment is overridden.

The parameter is available since version 1.2.


Control the response information according to links to properties and section. Per default no links are rendered. Use none to suppress all links, all to render all links. Use property and section to identify the links you want to have rendered. Use the comma as separator.

The amount of links may provide much header data. So much so that it exceeds the standard 8k Bytes that is allowed by standard installations.

The parameter is available since version 1.3.1.