Use the CSS class projectdoc-alternating for a HTML table to get alternating colored table rows.


Tables generated by the projectdoc Toolbox set this selector to allow different styles on odd and even rows.

CSS Styles
table.projectdoc-alternating tr:nth-child(odd) {
	background: #FFF;

table.projectdoc-alternating tr:nth-child(even) {
	background: WhiteSmoke;

Example of Usage

The Display Table Macro can be configured to use this style.

Set the Render Mode to table=projectdoc-alternating.

In case you need to use an alternate style, just type the name of your selector like this: table=my-table-style

Related CSS Selectors

The following CSS selectors defined by the projectdoc Toolbox are also related to the styling of tables. 

The query matched no documents.

Note that these selectors are only applied to tables that are generated by tools provided by the projectdoc Toolbox.