Provides read access to a projectdoc document section.

Short Name
REST Method

Use the property service to access a single section to retrieve its title and body.

The identifier of the requested document is part of the path as well as the name of the requested section.

Path Parameter


The unique identifier of the requested projectdoc document is mandatory and specified as a path parameter.


The title or identifier of the requested section is mandatory and specified as a path parameter.


Controls how properties are rendered. Valid values are html and storage (default). This parameter refers to the representation returned on the request.



The resource mode html is read-only. It provided for use cases where the client needs to render the result in a HTML page.

If the user wants to manipulate the content, the storage format is required to be fetched, modified, and pushed back to the server.

The parameter is available since version 1.1.

Example Responses


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<section document-id="41877608">
        src=";modificationDate=1464341943000&amp;api=v2" />
      Use the
      <a href="">REST API Browser</a>
      of Confluence to start using the REST API provided by projectdoc.
      The browser is accessible via
      . For more information please refer to
      <a href="">Using the REST API Browser</a>
          src=";modificationDate=1464519761188&amp;api=v2" />


  "title": "Summary",
  "content": "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-16\"?><content><span><img height=\"400\" src=\";modificationDate=1464341943000&amp;api=v2\"/></span><p>Use the <a href=\"\">REST API Browser</a> of Confluence to start using the REST API provided by projectdoc.</p><p>The browser is accessible via <code>plugins/servlet/restbrowser</code>. For more information please refer to <a href=\"\">Using the REST API Browser</a>.</p><p><span><img src=\";modificationDate=1464519761188&amp;api=v2\"/></span></p></content>",
  "document-id": 41877608,
  "document-url": ""