
Note:This goal should be used as a Maven report.

Full name:



The report to generate release notes.


  • Requires a Maven 2.0 project to be executed.
  • Binds by default to the lifecycle phase: site.

Required Parameters

Name Type Since Description
columnWidths String 1.0 Lists the column width to be used to set to the columns. If the value is 0 (zero) no width will be set explicitly for that column.
Default value is: 65,0,100,100.
columns String 1.0 Lists the columns to be rendered. Each element of this list is a property of an issue. The identifiers given here must match the ones defined in the referenced issue management system. E.g. for Bugzilla these are defined in org.eclipse.mylyn.internal.bugzilla.core.BugzillaAttribute.

The values are separated by comma.

Default value is: bug_id,short_desc,resolution,bug_severity.
includeOnSamePageAllOfVersion String 1.0 On the same page all of the given version type are rendered. For instance if this value refers to the major version, all versions having the same major version are rendered. A value of micro implies that only the current version is to be rendered.

Valid values are major, minor, micro (only the exact version), all (allow all versions).

Default value is: major.
outputName String 1.0 Specifies the name of the file to write the issues report (without extension).
Default value is: release-notes-report.
reportRenderer String 1.0 The name of the class that runs the rendering of the report page.
Default value is: de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla.VersionedSectionReportRenderer.
repositoryFacadeFactoryClass String 1.0 The directory to store task data information for the task cache. This is an optimization to not fetch tasks already fetched.
Default value is: de.smartics.maven.issues.factory.DefaultRepositoryFacadeFactory.
versionFactory String 1.0 The name of the class that creates comparable version instances. The class specified here has to implement VersionFactory.
Default value is: de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla.BugzillaVersionFactory.

Optional Parameters

Name Type Since Description
commandType String 1.0 The type of the command executed. This property is currently only relevant is queryName is set.
Default value is: runnamed.
component String 1.0 Sets the component(s) that you want to limit your report to include. Multiple components can be separated by commas. If this is set to empty or _ALL_ all components are queried.
description String 1.0 The description to be set in the configuration to be used instead of the one found in the localized files. This property is used to specify the description from the configuration and is useful if the user wants to select a specific set of information retrieved by a specific query and now wants to set a specific description.

This value may be omitted in which case the renderer retrieves a default value (probably assuming that a release notes report is rendered).

descriptionFile String 1.0 The description file is a XDoc file to be included as-is into the generated report. It is rendered between the main header and the report table where the description is normally written. The description is left out if a description file is given.

If no description file is explicitly specified, the system looks at the default location. If the file exists, it is used.

Please note that any -SNAPSHOT element in front of the extension is removed. $${outputName} is replaced by getOutputName().

Default value is: src/site/relnotes/$${outputName}-${project.version}.xml.
filter String 1.0 Defines the filter parameters to restrict which issues are retrieved from Bugzilla. The filter parameter must use the same format of url parameters that is used in a Bugzilla search.
footerText String 1.0 The raw text for the footer. May contain any valid HTML code. The string is not checked to be valid. If you want to remove the link to the plugin's homepage, simple add a non breaking space (e.g.   ).
ignoreLogoutProblem boolean 1.0 The flag indicates whether (true) or not (false) logout problems from the task repository should be ignored.

This is a kind of hack that grabs for the string 'Logout' in the exception message reported from the task repository. It may be useful if the task repository's response is quite slow.

Default value is: false.
includeComponentAtIndex int 1.0 Specifies the index (zero bases) of the column at which the component information is to rendered. This option is only taken into account if the #getComponent() component property does not specify exactly one component. Please note that this cannot be used in named queries.

This is a handy option for running the report on a multi project. Sub projects specify exactly one component while the parent project specifies none. The result with setting an index of e.g. 1 is that in each sub project the component is not mentioned while it is on the parent project (listing all issues of all projects) it is rendered at the second column.

Default value is: 1.
includeComponentAtIndexColumnWidth int 1.0 Specifies the column width for the includeComponentAtIndex property. If that property is not set, this property value is ignored.
Default value is: 0.
issueManagementPassword String 1.0 The password for authentication to access a private installation of a issue management system.
issueManagementSystem String 1.0 The name of the issue management system to connect to.
Default value is: ${project.issueManagement.system}.
issueManagementUrl String 1.0 The URL to the issue management system to connect to.
Default value is: ${project.issueManagement.url}.
issueManagementUser String 1.0 The name of the user for authentication to access a private installation of a issue management system.
keywords String 1.0 Sets the keywords that you want to limit your report to include.
keywordsType String 1.0 Sets the handling of the keywords. May have any value but Bugzilla supports currently allwords, nowords, anywords.
Default value is: anywords.
locale String 1.0 The locale to use regardless of the report. This should be set to the locale the Javadoc comment is written in. If not set, the Maven provided locale is used.
logColumns boolean 1.0 Informs that the column names retrieved by the query should be logged at the end of the query. This allows to grab the keywords returned by the issue management system.
Default value is: false.
logLevel String 1.0 Specifies the log level used for this plugin.

Allowed values are SEVERE, WARNING, INFO and FINEST.

maxEntries int 1.0 Maximum number of entries to be displayed by the issue report. Use -1 for unlimited entries.
Default value is: -1.
maxRetries int 1.0 Maximum number retries to connect to the issue management system.
Default value is: 3.
noResultsDescription String 1.0 The description to be set in the configuration if no issue matches the query to be used instead of the one found in the localized files. This property is used to specify the description from the configuration and is useful if the user wants to select a specific set of information retrieved by a specific query and now wants to set a specific description.

This value may be omitted in which case the renderer retrieves a default value (probably assuming that a release notes report is rendered).

order String 1.0 Sets the order of the bugs returned.
Default value is: Bug Number.
product String 1.0 Sets the product(s) that you want to limit your report to include. Multiple products can be separated by commas. If this is set to empty - that means all products.
queryName String 1.0 The name of the query to execute. If the query name is specified none of the other query properties is taken into account.
referencePreviousReports boolean 1.0 Specifies if previous versions of this report should be referenced.
Default value is: true.
renderEmailAdresses boolean 1.0 The value of the flag that indicates whether or not eMail addresses should be rendered. Rendering eMail addresses may be useful for intranet sites. Due to spamming it might not be wise to render an eMail address on an internet server.

A value of true indicates that the eMail address should be rendered (e.g. as a mailto anchor in HTML for an assignee name), false if no eMail address information should be written.

Default value is: false.
repositoryVersion String 1.0 Sets the version of the task repository.
resolution String 1.0 Sets the resolution(s) that you want to limit your report to include. Valid statuses are: FIXED, INVALID, WONTFIX, LATER, REMIND, DUPLICATE, WORKSFORME, and MOVED. Multiple values can be separated by commas.
sectionType String 1.0 The type (probably but not necessarily a user type) that specifies the information in the issue that is used to group the issues in sections.

For example a user type ct_type may be defined to specify the type of an issue. Valid types could be Bug, New Feature, Improvement, and Task.

Default value is: cf_type.
sections String 1.0 The order of the values specified for the section type. Only values specified in this list will be rendered at all.

Regarding the example given for "section type", this list could define New Feature, Bug, Improvement . This would render issues tagged as new features in the first, issues tagged as bugs in the second and issues tagged as improvements in the last section. Issues tagged as tasks will not be rendered.

The values are separated by comma.

Default value is: New Feature,Change Request,Improvement,Bug.
skip boolean 1.0 A simple flag to skip the generation of the reports. If set on the command line use -Dissues.skip.
Default value is: false.
skipReports List 1.0 List of report output names to be skipped. This is useful to remove the generation of a particular report without removing the description. This configuration can also be used to remove configured reports in a parent's POM.
status String 1.0 Sets the status(es) that you want to limit your report to include. Valid statuses are: UNCONFIRMED, NEW, ASSIGNED, REOPENED, RESOLVED, VERIFIED, and CLOSED. Multiple values can be separated by commas.
Default value is: CLOSED.
timeout long 1.0 The timeout in milliseconds between retries of connection attempts.
Default value is: 7000.
title String 1.0 The title to be set in the configuration to be used instead of the one found in the localized files. This property is used to specify the title from the configuration and is useful if the user wants to select a specific set of information retrieved by a specific query and now wants to set a specific title.

This value may be omitted in which case the renderer retrieves a default value (probably assuming that a release notes report is rendered).

versionRange String 1.0 The range of version to be included in the search. Use [] to specify inclusion and () for exclusion of the bounds.


  • 1.0 Version 1.0
  • [1.0,2.0) Versions 1.0 (included) to 2.0 (not included)
  • [1.0,2.0] Versions 1.0 to 2.0 (both included)
  • [1.5,) Versions 1.5 and higher
  • (,1.0],[1.2,) Versions up to 1.0 (included) and 1.2 or higher

If this value is specified the property isCurrentReleaseVersionOnly() is overridden.

It is required that the first specified restriction has at least one inclusive bound or is starting from version 0.0.0.

  • (,1.0) is correct.
  • [0.5.0,1.0) is correct.
  • (0.5.0,1.0] is correct.
  • (0.5.0,1.0) is not correct.

webPassword String 1.0 The password for HTTP basic authentication to the issue management webserver.
webUser String 1.0 The name of the user for HTTP basic authentication to the issue management webserver.

Parameter Details


Lists the column width to be used to set to the columns. If the value is 0 (zero) no width will be set explicitly for that column.
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Since: 1.0
  • Required: Yes
  • Default: 65,0,100,100


Lists the columns to be rendered. Each element of this list is a property of an issue. The identifiers given here must match the ones defined in the referenced issue management system. E.g. for Bugzilla these are defined in org.eclipse.mylyn.internal.bugzilla.core.BugzillaAttribute.

The values are separated by comma.

  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Since: 1.0
  • Required: Yes
  • Default: bug_id,short_desc,resolution,bug_severity


The type of the command executed. This property is currently only relevant is queryName is set.
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Since: 1.0
  • Required: No
  • Default: runnamed


Sets the component(s) that you want to limit your report to include. Multiple components can be separated by commas. If this is set to empty or _ALL_ all components are queried.
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Since: 1.0
  • Required: No


The description to be set in the configuration to be used instead of the one found in the localized files. This property is used to specify the description from the configuration and is useful if the user wants to select a specific set of information retrieved by a specific query and now wants to set a specific description.

This value may be omitted in which case the renderer retrieves a default value (probably assuming that a release notes report is rendered).

  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Since: 1.0
  • Required: No


The description file is a XDoc file to be included as-is into the generated report. It is rendered between the main header and the report table where the description is normally written. The description is left out if a description file is given.

If no description file is explicitly specified, the system looks at the default location. If the file exists, it is used.

Please note that any -SNAPSHOT element in front of the extension is removed. $${outputName} is replaced by getOutputName().

  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Since: 1.0
  • Required: No
  • Default: src/site/relnotes/$${outputName}-${project.version}.xml


Defines the filter parameters to restrict which issues are retrieved from Bugzilla. The filter parameter must use the same format of url parameters that is used in a Bugzilla search.
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Since: 1.0
  • Required: No


The raw text for the footer. May contain any valid HTML code. The string is not checked to be valid. If you want to remove the link to the plugin's homepage, simple add a non breaking space (e.g.   ).
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Since: 1.0
  • Required: No


The flag indicates whether ( true) or not ( false) logout problems from the task repository should be ignored.

This is a kind of hack that grabs for the string 'Logout' in the exception message reported from the task repository. It may be useful if the task repository's response is quite slow.

  • Type: boolean
  • Since: 1.0
  • Required: No
  • Default: false


Specifies the index (zero bases) of the column at which the component information is to rendered. This option is only taken into account if the #getComponent() component property does not specify exactly one component. Please note that this cannot be used in named queries.

This is a handy option for running the report on a multi project. Sub projects specify exactly one component while the parent project specifies none. The result with setting an index of e.g. 1 is that in each sub project the component is not mentioned while it is on the parent project (listing all issues of all projects) it is rendered at the second column.

  • Type: int
  • Since: 1.0
  • Required: No
  • Default: 1


Specifies the column width for the includeComponentAtIndex property. If that property is not set, this property value is ignored.
  • Type: int
  • Since: 1.0
  • Required: No
  • Default: 0


On the same page all of the given version type are rendered. For instance if this value refers to the major version, all versions having the same major version are rendered. A value of micro implies that only the current version is to be rendered.

Valid values are major, minor, micro (only the exact version), all (allow all versions).

  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Since: 1.0
  • Required: Yes
  • Default: major


The password for authentication to access a private installation of a issue management system.
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Since: 1.0
  • Required: No


The name of the issue management system to connect to.
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Since: 1.0
  • Required: No
  • Default: ${project.issueManagement.system}


The URL to the issue management system to connect to.
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Since: 1.0
  • Required: No
  • Default: ${project.issueManagement.url}


The name of the user for authentication to access a private installation of a issue management system.
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Since: 1.0
  • Required: No


Sets the keywords that you want to limit your report to include.
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Since: 1.0
  • Required: No


Sets the handling of the keywords. May have any value but Bugzilla supports currently allwords, nowords, anywords.
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Since: 1.0
  • Required: No
  • Default: anywords


The locale to use regardless of the report. This should be set to the locale the Javadoc comment is written in. If not set, the Maven provided locale is used.
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Since: 1.0
  • Required: No
  • Expression: ${issues.locale}


Informs that the column names retrieved by the query should be logged at the end of the query. This allows to grab the keywords returned by the issue management system.
  • Type: boolean
  • Since: 1.0
  • Required: No
  • Default: false


Specifies the log level used for this plugin.

Allowed values are SEVERE, WARNING, INFO and FINEST.

  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Since: 1.0
  • Required: No
  • Expression: ${issues.logLevel}


Maximum number of entries to be displayed by the issue report. Use -1 for unlimited entries.
  • Type: int
  • Since: 1.0
  • Required: No
  • Default: -1


Maximum number retries to connect to the issue management system.
  • Type: int
  • Since: 1.0
  • Required: No
  • Default: 3


The description to be set in the configuration if no issue matches the query to be used instead of the one found in the localized files. This property is used to specify the description from the configuration and is useful if the user wants to select a specific set of information retrieved by a specific query and now wants to set a specific description.

This value may be omitted in which case the renderer retrieves a default value (probably assuming that a release notes report is rendered).

  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Since: 1.0
  • Required: No


Sets the order of the bugs returned.
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Since: 1.0
  • Required: No
  • Default: Bug Number


Specifies the name of the file to write the issues report (without extension).
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Since: 1.0
  • Required: Yes
  • Expression: ${}
  • Default: release-notes-report


Sets the product(s) that you want to limit your report to include. Multiple products can be separated by commas. If this is set to empty - that means all products.
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Since: 1.0
  • Required: No


The name of the query to execute. If the query name is specified none of the other query properties is taken into account.
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Since: 1.0
  • Required: No


Specifies if previous versions of this report should be referenced.
  • Type: boolean
  • Since: 1.0
  • Required: No
  • Default: true


The value of the flag that indicates whether or not eMail addresses should be rendered. Rendering eMail addresses may be useful for intranet sites. Due to spamming it might not be wise to render an eMail address on an internet server.

A value of true indicates that the eMail address should be rendered (e.g. as a mailto anchor in HTML for an assignee name), false if no eMail address information should be written.

  • Type: boolean
  • Since: 1.0
  • Required: No
  • Default: false


The name of the class that runs the rendering of the report page.
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Since: 1.0
  • Required: Yes
  • Default: de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla.VersionedSectionReportRenderer


The directory to store task data information for the task cache. This is an optimization to not fetch tasks already fetched.
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Since: 1.0
  • Required: Yes
  • Expression: ${issues.repositoryFacadeFactoryClass}
  • Default: de.smartics.maven.issues.factory.DefaultRepositoryFacadeFactory


Sets the version of the task repository.
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Since: 1.0
  • Required: No


Sets the resolution(s) that you want to limit your report to include. Valid statuses are: FIXED, INVALID, WONTFIX, LATER, REMIND, DUPLICATE, WORKSFORME, and MOVED. Multiple values can be separated by commas.
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Since: 1.0
  • Required: No


The type (probably but not necessarily a user type) that specifies the information in the issue that is used to group the issues in sections.

For example a user type ct_type may be defined to specify the type of an issue. Valid types could be Bug, New Feature, Improvement, and Task.

  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Since: 1.0
  • Required: No
  • Default: cf_type


The order of the values specified for the section type. Only values specified in this list will be rendered at all.

Regarding the example given for "section type", this list could define New Feature, Bug, Improvement . This would render issues tagged as new features in the first, issues tagged as bugs in the second and issues tagged as improvements in the last section. Issues tagged as tasks will not be rendered.

The values are separated by comma.

  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Since: 1.0
  • Required: No
  • Default: New Feature,Change Request,Improvement,Bug


A simple flag to skip the generation of the reports. If set on the command line use -Dissues.skip.
  • Type: boolean
  • Since: 1.0
  • Required: No
  • Expression: ${issues.skip}
  • Default: false


List of report output names to be skipped. This is useful to remove the generation of a particular report without removing the description. This configuration can also be used to remove configured reports in a parent's POM.
  • Type: java.util.List
  • Since: 1.0
  • Required: No


Sets the status(es) that you want to limit your report to include. Valid statuses are: UNCONFIRMED, NEW, ASSIGNED, REOPENED, RESOLVED, VERIFIED, and CLOSED. Multiple values can be separated by commas.
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Since: 1.0
  • Required: No
  • Default: CLOSED


The timeout in milliseconds between retries of connection attempts.
  • Type: long
  • Since: 1.0
  • Required: No
  • Default: 7000


The title to be set in the configuration to be used instead of the one found in the localized files. This property is used to specify the title from the configuration and is useful if the user wants to select a specific set of information retrieved by a specific query and now wants to set a specific title.

This value may be omitted in which case the renderer retrieves a default value (probably assuming that a release notes report is rendered).

  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Since: 1.0
  • Required: No


The name of the class that creates comparable version instances. The class specified here has to implement VersionFactory.
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Since: 1.0
  • Required: Yes
  • Default: de.smartics.maven.issues.bugzilla.BugzillaVersionFactory


The range of version to be included in the search. Use [] to specify inclusion and () for exclusion of the bounds.


  • 1.0 Version 1.0
  • [1.0,2.0) Versions 1.0 (included) to 2.0 (not included)
  • [1.0,2.0] Versions 1.0 to 2.0 (both included)
  • [1.5,) Versions 1.5 and higher
  • (,1.0],[1.2,) Versions up to 1.0 (included) and 1.2 or higher

If this value is specified the property isCurrentReleaseVersionOnly() is overridden.

It is required that the first specified restriction has at least one inclusive bound or is starting from version 0.0.0.

  • (,1.0) is correct.
  • [0.5.0,1.0) is correct.
  • (0.5.0,1.0] is correct.
  • (0.5.0,1.0) is not correct.
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Since: 1.0
  • Required: No


The password for HTTP basic authentication to the issue management webserver.
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Since: 1.0
  • Required: No


The name of the user for HTTP basic authentication to the issue management webserver.
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Since: 1.0
  • Required: No