The References

Much of the information found on this website has its origin on other places.

Exception Handling: Basics

Lists references to resources providing valuable information on exception handling.

  1. Effective Java
    Joshua Bloch, 2008
    Second Edition, Chapter 9: Exceptions p. 241-258
    Joshua Bloch provides nine guidelines for using exceptions efficiently. We think it is widely acknowledged that this book is a must read for Java developers.
  2. Clean Code
    Robert C. Martin, 2008
    First Edition, p. 46-48, Chapter 7: Error Handling p. 103-112
    Robert C. Martin provides plenty advice how to write clean code. He is also concerned on topics dealing with exception handling. There is a chapter written by Michael Feathers dedicated to "Error Handling"
  3. Best practices in EJB exception handling
    Srikanth Shenoy, 2002
  4. Best Practices for Exception Handling
    Gunjan Doshi, 2003
    Gunjan Doshi gives an interesting overview on exception handling and provides best practices for API design and using exceptions.
  5. Exception-Handling Antipatterns
    Tim McCune, 2006
    Tim McCune gives a nice summary of interesting facts about exceptions and logging and provides a list of antipatterns to be aware of.
  6. 13 Exceptional Exception Handling Techniques
    cperez, 2004
    cperez provides a list of 13 best practices.

Exception Handling: Controversial

There is an ongoing debate whether or not checked exception are good or evil. While we think that checked exceptions are good because of their automatic documentation feature, we nonetheless want to reference some opinions on this on the web.

  1. Removing Language Features?
    Neal Gafter, 2007
  2. Java theory and practice: The exceptions debate
    Brian Goetz, 2004
  3. Does Java need Checked Exceptions?
    Bruce Eckel
  4. Java's checked exceptions were a mistake (and here's what I would like to do about it)
    Rod Waldhoff, 2003


Lists references to resources providing valuable information on exception handling and logging.

  1. Best Practices (General)
  2. Best Practices (Enterprise)