The References
Much of the information found on this website has its origin on other places.
Exception Handling: Basics
Lists references to resources providing valuable information on exception handling.
- Effective Java
Joshua Bloch, 2008
Second Edition, Chapter 9: Exceptions p. 241-258
Joshua Bloch provides nine guidelines for using exceptions efficiently. We think it is widely acknowledged that this book is a must read for Java developers.
- Clean Code
Robert C. Martin, 2008
First Edition, p. 46-48, Chapter 7: Error Handling p. 103-112
Robert C. Martin provides plenty advice how to write clean code. He is also concerned on topics dealing with exception handling. There is a chapter written by Michael Feathers dedicated to "Error Handling"
- Best practices in EJB exception handling
Srikanth Shenoy, 2002
- Best Practices for Exception Handling
Gunjan Doshi, 2003
Gunjan Doshi gives an interesting overview on exception handling and provides best practices for API design and using exceptions.
- Exception-Handling Antipatterns
Tim McCune, 2006
Tim McCune gives a nice summary of interesting facts about exceptions and logging and provides a list of antipatterns to be aware of.
- 13 Exceptional Exception Handling Techniques
cperez, 2004
cperez provides a list of 13 best practices.