

The exceptions-codes Ant task provides the following attributes.

Attribute Required? Default Description
projectName yes Ant project name The name of the project to collect information for. Used for the report header.
reportFile yes none The name of the report file to write.
reportGeneratorClass yes HtmlReportGenerator The class name of the report generator instance to use.
reportEncoding yes UTF-8 The encoding of the generated report documentation.
reportExcludes no none The semicolon separated excluded directories. Use Ant syntax.
reportIncludes no none The semicolon separated included directories. Use Ant syntax.
sourceEncoding yes UTF-8 The encoding of the Java source files.
cssFile no none The link reference to the CSS file to add to the head element of the generated HTML document.
classpath this or classpathref none The classpath to search for exception code classes.
classpathref this or classpath none The classpath to search for exception code classes.
sourcepath this or sourcepathref none The sourcepath to search for Javadoc for the exception code classes found in the classpath.
sourcepathref this or sourcepath none The sourcepath to search for Javadoc for the exception code classes found in the classpath.

Example Buildfile

The following Ant buildfile serves as an example how to use the exception-codes Ant task. Let repository point to the directory where the task jar is installed and workspace point to the directory within the source files and dependencies can be found.

<project name="MyProject" basedir=".">
  <path id="exceptioncodes-report.path.class">
    <fileset dir="${workspace}/smart-exceptions-1/exceptioncodes-ant/target/dependency">
      <include name="*.jar"/>
    <pathelement location="${repository}/exceptioncodes-ant.jar"/>

  <path id="exceptioncodes-report.path.source">
    <pathelement location="${workspace}/smartexceptions/smart-exceptions-1/smart-exceptions-i18n/src/main/java"/>

  <taskdef name="exceptioncodes-report"

  <target name="generate-exception-codes-report">

Using the Allclasses Uerberjar

If you use the exceptioncodes-ant-allclasses.jar the specification of the classpath for the Ant task is somewhat simpler:

<path id="exceptioncodes-report.path.class">
  <pathelement location="exceptioncodes-ant-allclasses.jar"/>