

The command line client is called by java de.smartics.exceptions.cli.Main, searches the class path for exception codes and accepts the following options to control the generation process of the report:

Option Short Name Description Default
--report-file <file> -f <file> The name of the report file to write. No default, required.
--report-generator <class> -g <class> The class name of the report generator instance to use. The generator has to implement the ReportGenerator interface. Currently there is only one implementation to use: HtmlReportGenerator.
--project-name <project-name> -p <project-name> The name of the project to collect information for. Used for the title in the report. No default, required.
--css-file <css-file> -s <css-file> The link reference to the CSS file to add to the head element of the generated HTML document. The link will be added as is. The user is required to deploy the report and the CSS file.
--java-source-path <path;path> -path <path;path> The semicolon separated source root directories. The report generator reads the Javadoc comments for the codes found in the class path. Use Ant syntax. Nothing excluded by default.
--java-source-encoding <encoding> -se The encoding of the Java source files. UTF-8
--report-includes <path;path> -i <path;path> The semicolon separated excluded directories where to search for exception codes to include in the report. Use Ant syntax. Everything is included.
--report-excludes <path;path> -e <path;path> The semicolon separated excluded directories where not to search for exception codes to include in the report. Use Ant syntax. Nothing excluded by default.
--report-encoding <encoding> -c <encoding> The encoding of the report documentation. UTF-8

To get a short description of valid options, call java de.smartics.exceptions.cli.Main without any option.


The following is an example for a call of the command line client:

java de.smartics.exceptions.cli.Main
  --project-name="Project: MY Project"