Defines the exception codes for problems with the configuration of the library.
Code | Property Name | Description |
Code | Property Name | Description |
smex-1000 | GENERIC | The generic configuration error. |
smex-1001 | CONFIGURATION_MISSING_GETTER | A configuration error signaling missing getter. |
smex-1002 | CONFIGURATION_INACCESSIBLE_GETTER | A configuration error signaling an inaccessible getter. |
smex-1003 | CONFIGURATION_RUNTIME_ACCESS | A configuration error signaling a runtime problem while running the getter method's code. |
smex-1004 | CONFIGURATION_NOARG | A configuration error signaling that the getter method does not exist. |
smex-1005 | CONFIGURATION_SECURITY | A configuration error signaling that accessing the getter raised a security exception. |
smex-1006 | CONFIGURATION_PROPERTY_RUNTIME_ACCESS | A configuration error signaling a runtime problem while accessing the property. |
smex-1007 | CONFIGURATION_INACCESSIBLE_PROPERTY | A configuration error signaling that a property is not accessible. |
smex-1008 | CONFIGURATION_NO_GETTER_FOR_PROPERTY | A configuration error signaling that there is no getter to access a property. |
smex-1009 | CONFIGURATION_OGNL_SYNTAX_ERROR | A configuration error signaling that there is an error in the OGNL expression of a value. |
smex-1010 | COMPOUND_MESSAGE_MISSING | A configuration error signaling that values for a compound message a missing. |
Defines the parsing exception codes for this package.
Code | Property Name | Description |
Code | Property Name | Description |
smex-2000 | GENERIC | The generic parsing error. |
smex-2001 | OGNL | Parsing an OGNL path expression failed. |
smex-2002 | MISSING_PARENT_PROPERTY_SEPARATOR | Parsing the value for a parent attribute failed because the = -sign is missing. The = -sign separates the attribute name from the index information. The parent attribute is an attribute specified by the super class of an exception. The parent exception may be of a standard library and therefore cannot be annotated so the annotation is placed in the subclass. |
smex-2003 | MISSING_PARENT_PROPERTY_ATTRIBUTE | Parsing the value for a parent attribute failed because the attribute in front of the = -sign is missing. The parent attribute is an attribute specified by the super class of an exception. The parent exception may be of a standard library and therefore cannot be annotated so the annotation is placed in the subclass. |
smex-2004 | MISSING_PARENT_PROPERTY_INDEX | Parsing the value for a parent attribute failed because the index after the = -sign is missing. The parent attribute is an attribute specified by the super class of an exception. The parent exception may be of a standard library and therefore cannot be annotated so the annotation is placed in the subclass. |