Project Modules

This project has declared the following modules:

Name Description
smartics-properties-tutorial-basics The collection of tutorials on working with smartics-properties to declare, define and use properties. While there is everything explained what you need to know to declare properties, the definition of properties is covered only in its simples form. Based on the declaration and the definition, this tutorial also explains in detail how to access properties from the client application's view.
smartics-properties-tutorial-boot A very short tutorial introducing boot properties.
smartics-properties-tutorial-config The collection of tutorials on working with smartics-properties to define and use properties. This tutorial is separated from 'smartics-properties-tutorial-basics' since its configuration requires dependencies to be declared in the POM.
smartics-properties-tutorial-config-multinode A small tutorial working with multinode configurations.
smartics-properties-tutorial-config-nokey A small tutorial that shows how to use plain properties files and access it with a generic configuration key. This is a solution to choose if you just want to use the annotation stuff but do not bother with different configuration keys.
smartics-properties-tutorial-tenant An example to show tenant and user specific configurations at work.
smartics-properties-tutorial-definition-best-practices-development A sample configuration for a development environment.
smartics-properties-tutorial-definition-best-practices-production A sample configuration for a production environment.
smartics-properties-tutorial-definition-best-practices-test A sample configuration for a test environment.
smartics-properties-tutorial-definition-best-practices-user-jane-doe A sample configuration for a user named 'Jane Doe'.
smartics-properties-tutorial-definition-best-practices Multimodule for sample configurations.