This shot provides a short hint on how to use labels in a Lucene search with Confluence.
Adding labels to a Confluence search using SearchQueryParameters seems straightforward:
final SearchQueryParameters searchQueryParams = new SearchQueryParameters(queryString); searchQueryParams.setLabels( Collections.singleton("mylabel"));
Unfortunately this search does not match documents labelled with mylabel
After some searching the solution adding the labels manually to the Lucene search works:
String queryStringWithLabel = "labelText:\"mylabel\" AND (" + queryString + ')'; final SearchQueryParameters searchQueryParams = new SearchQueryParameters(queryStringWithLabel);
But what I should have done instead is adding the "global" prefix to my label like this:
final SearchQueryParameters searchQueryParams = new SearchQueryParameters(queryString); searchQueryParams.setLabels( Collections.singleton("global:mylabel");
The API's intended solution is not always obvious at first sight. Often the API documentation could give hint. But if it doesn't it is just a couple of working hours away ... Hope this post will reduce the working time for you!