Today our free and open sourced plugin for Confluence has been made available from Atlassian Marketplace! The plugin is called Project Documentation Macros and aims to support agile teams writing their documentation with the Confluence wiki.
The plugin currently provides two macros:
- Definition List - render definition lists by specifying a table with term and data provided as columns
- Hide from anonymous User - helper to hide page elements like the create-from-template button on wikis that are accessible by the public
The two macros are also part of projectdoc. The projectdoc versions only differ slightly from the free versions. This is due to the space properties support provided by the projectdoc plugin for Confluence (currently in alpha version and hopefully available via Atlassian Marketplace soon).
The free plugin is available via the Atlassian Marketplace: Project Documentation Macros
Here is the homepage of the plugin.
Have fun!