Today we published a number of projectdoc spaces on our web site. They show how index and attachment spaces play together to provide information for a team space.
The show cases bring together tools from the projectdoc Toolbox for Confluence to bring some of the use cases to life.
The central message for this show cases is this:
- Add a new page,
- provide the metadata on that new page,
- and have the navigation adjusted automatically.
This is mainly achieved by the use of the Display Table Macro that selects at request time pages by the metadata that is specified by the Document Properties Marker Macro.
Here is the list of show cases.
Today we released version 2.0 of the projectdoc Toolbox for Confluence!
projectdoc supports agile teams creating and maintaining project documentation. It provides templates and tools to improve the collaboration of team members.
This version has some major changes which breaks behavior of previous versions. Therefore we changed to semantic versioning to make changes to be applied cautiously very visible to users.
This release provides (including features of free extensions based on the new version of the projectdoc Toolbox):
Send to Homepage
Remote Controlled Documents
Deep Links in Queries
Impersonating OAuth and Basic Authentication
List Queries
Enhanced Recursion Detection
Doctype Models
Page Sort Order
IMPORTANT: Add-on Update and Reindex required!!!
Please note that this new version of the projectdoc Toolbox requires all doctype add-ons and extension add-ons for projectdoc need to be updated! See Required Add-on Updates for version details.
Also very important: The site needs to be reindexed! Otherwise exact match queries will fail (that is: find no documents). For some more information see Reindex required on this page.
For detailed information on changes, please refer to the release notes.
Today we released our first beta for the Doctype Maven Plugin. This plugin for Maven allows to generate space blueprints and page blueprints for Confluence based on a doctype model defined in XML files. The generated OBR (OSGi Bundle repository) requires the projectdoc Toolbox to be installed since the blueprints use macros from this add-on.
We already introduced this plugin in Creating Blueprints is fun!
The sources are available under the Apache License on Bitbucket at Doctype Add-on Tools.
Note that this is a very early release. So expect some rough edges. To get going you might want to have a look at some of our projects that already use this tool (currently not all our add-ons have moved to the model approach but will do so one by one).
- Core Doctypes Add-on (released)
- Service Management Add-on (under development)
- App Doctypes Add-on (under development)
Blueprint Add-ons
There are a number of blueprint add-ons for the projectdoc Toolbox. A list of blueprints, we call document types - or doctypes for short, shows what we have already created.
These are available on the Atlassian Marketplace and on Bitbucket.