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Since today Doctypes for Teamwork for Confluence are available on the Atlassian Marketplace The project for the blueprint add-on has already been  released on Bitbucket on December 2017.

The blueprints provided by this add-on are used by teams in need to document their way of working. According to the documentation quadrants these blueprints are used to create documents for the process documentation quadrant 1.

The add-on provides the following blueprints – and their corresponding type doctypes to allow type-specific categorization.

Checklists allow to run manual tasks in a defined manner. It guides the user of the checklist through a process and helping to not forget a step.
Patterns provide solutions for problems in a given context. Patterns are usefull in multiple areas such as design, architecture, documentation, or process.
Pattern Domain
Patterns are divided into different domains to group patterns.
Project Rule
Project Rules are defined by the team to enhance the collaboration and to define project standards.
Team Process
Document processes defined and used by the team.
Document tools used by the team. Add information about how to fetch, install and best practices using it.

These new blueprints allow to define how a team decides to work.

IT Service Management


The Team Process doctype is a simpler version of the IT Process doctype that is part of Doctypes for Service Management.

Team members who want to document a sequence of activities for their teams usually find the Team Process doctype much easier to use.

Agile Planning

Complementary the add-on Doctypes for Agile Planning support teams collaborating on their iterations by providing the following doctypes.

Announcements are a way to communicate an important piece of information with your team.
Improvement proposals help to start the conversation within the team for process improvements.
Document an Iteration that may be linked from JIRA. Allows the team to set the goal and add notes relevant to a particular iteration.
Product Backlog
Product Backlogs are means to collect user stories.
Record the discussion of the team about their last iteration.
Plan and run your review meeting.
Review Act
A single act to show on the review. Use this only if you have a lot to show or you want to reference the review results later. Often a simple numerated list is sufficient.
User Story
User Stories document a requirement of a stakeholder with a specific business goal. It also provides an acceptance test. It is a representation of a unit of work.

Creating a collaborative work space, each iteration document is the root of collaboration work. At the end of the iteration information that is especially valuable can be moved or copied to a Topic Space.

Developer Journal


Having a developer journal makes it easier to keep track on one own's work and interesting findings. Keeping this journal information from topic related information makes it easier to take notes. This is due to the fact that a journal contains records, which are not required to be updated. A journal entry is a snapshot on information. Opposite to the record is a document. Readers of a document (or Confluence page) typically expect that the information is up-to-date. Therefore documents need to be updated and therefore increase maintenance costs.

The projectdoc Developer Diaries add-on provides blueprints for this kind of information.

Project Management

If your team is in demand for more project management related blueprints, the Doctypes for Project Management provide these:

This documents a possible option for a decision. Choose this document type to describe the alternative for a decision in more detail. This is typically a subpage of a decision document.
Document a decision for an option. This is useful to state the reasons and the options that have been evaluated. Later other team members will have it easier to understand the decision.
Record the action items of a meeting.
Open Issue
Open issues document what the team needs to know to proceed.
Release Note
Document changes provided by a release of a product.

With these blueprints teams are able to document the results of their meetings, keep track of open issues or explain their decisions.

V-Modell XT


For more project management related blueprints the Doctypes for V-Modell XT provide a lot more, albeit currently only in German.

Also see the blog article Blueprints for V-Modell XT on Confluence!

Core Doctypes

The Core Doctypes add-on provides a lot of general blueprints. This include doctypes to document tags, categories, and subjects to categorize documents. There are also doctypes for persons, stakeholders, and organizations to create addess books. Resources and quotes provide doctype to create libraries.

The core doctypes provide space blueprints for a number of use cases.

The following space blueprints are provided by the Core Doctypes.

Address Book

Manage information about people and their roles and interests in a product or project. This space contains information about roles, persons, and organizations.

Configuration Space

Manage commonly used configurations without any subdocuments (besides a homepage for type homepages).

Core Project Space

Create a space to organize information for your agile team. A basic structure with homepages is created, such as for tags, topics, or roles).


Manage information about a domain. Add glossary items and associate them with domain information.

Index Space

Collect commonly used information like spaces properties or type documents. You may also include fragments to be used by transclusion or other information that is relevant for all dependent spaces.


Manage information about resources. This includes books, articles, podcasts, as well as information about the authors of these resources.

Topic Space
Create a space to collect and organize information on a topic.

Create a space to collaboratively collect information on a specific topic. A workspace does not demand for updating information. It is a place to work with until a goal is reached. Move the result of your research to topic spaces and discard or archive this space.

More Doctypes

Here is an overview over all doctype add-ons that provide blueprints based on the projectdoc Toolbox.

#NameStatusShort Description
1Core DoctypesAVAILABLE
Provides a basic set of doctypes to create agile documentation.
2Doctypes for Software DevelopmentAVAILABLE
Provides doctypes to create documentation in software development projects. The focus is on documenting the architecture of the product, but it includes templates for other software development documentation requirements as well.
3projectdoc Add-on for arc42AVAILABLE
Provides doctypes to document a system or software architecture based on the arc42 Template.
4Doctypes for Agile PlanningAVAILABLE
Provides doctypes to collborate with your team. Run iterations and record discoveries that may be of interest at the end of the iteration or for even later reference. Quick notes are more easily added as records to the team's space than to the official documentation tree. Defer the talk to the documentation architect to the end of the iteration (if the discovery is still of interest).
5projectdoc Developer DiariesAVAILABLE
Provides doctypes to organize the developer's work by the employment of a diary. Take you personal planning and professional records to the next level!
6projectdoc for Java DevelopersAVAILABLE
A collection of blueprints for Confluence to create and work with documentation for Java projects.
7projectdoc for Maven DevelopersAVAILABLE
A collection of blueprints for Confluence to create and work with documentation for Maven projects.
8Doctypes for TeamworkAVAILABLE
Provides doctypes to define the checklists, processes, patterns, tools, and rules your team agrees upon. Writing them down makes them accessible for anyone - especially for new team members. Keep these documents short and to the point!
9Doctypes for Business StrategyAVAILABLE
Mission, vision, strategy for business planning and execution.
10Doctypes for Service ManagementAVAILABLE
Provides doctypes to document services and systems for IT service management (ITSM).
11Doctypes for Project ManagementAVAILABLE
Provides doctypes for documenting decisions, risks, open issues, and meeting minutes.
12Doctypes for Risk ManagementAVAILABLE SOON
Provides doctypes for documenting and tracking risks.
13Doctypes for App ManualsAVAILABLE SOON
Document macros, page blueprints, space blueprints, and components of your Confluence add-on.
14Doctypes for V-Modell®XTAVAILABLE
Use products (templates) from the V-Modell®XT in your Confluence wiki as blueprints!

On Document Type there is a list of over 200 doctypes that provide blueprints for Confluence based on the projectdoc Toolbox.

Note that all doctypes are available for free on Bitbucket, most of them are also available on the Atlassian Marketplace.


Since today Blueprints for the V-Modell ® XT  for Confluence are available on the Atlassian Marketplace.

The project for the blueprint add-on has been released on Bitbucket on December 2017. But users of V-Modell®XT  have now a much easier time to install the document blueprints on Confluence and use them in their daily work.

V-Modell®XT is a process model. It defines a number of document types to support teams to plan and execute development projects. Blueprints on Confluence support team members to write documents. Blueprints provide a common understanding about which information is expected by readers in a given document.

This is the way we expect most agile teams to use these blueprints: If at least one stakeholder of a project demands a missing piece of information in written form, the team checks if there is an appropriate blueprint provided by V-Modell®XT. If there is, the blueprint provides properties and sections that provide a basic guidance on creating and maintaining the new document. Due to the use of the section macro neither authors are not forced to provide information for all sections nor are readers burdened with encountering empty sections while reading. It is also easy for readers to navigate the space since documents often automatically render links to related information.

The blueprints provided by the add-on are based on macros provided by the projectdoc Toolbox. Therefore the projectdoc Toolbox must be installed on the Confluence server in order to use the blueprints. The Core Doctypes add-on should also be installed and is available for free on the Atlassian Marketplace. It provides some common projectdoc blueprints to document roles, resources, stakeholders and many more.

The Blueprints for the V-Modell®XT add-on provides over 50 blueprints based on documents (called products) defined by V-Modell ® XT, currently only in German language.

Anbahnung und Organisation

  • Projektauftrag
  • Projekthandbuch
  • Projektvorschlag

Ausschreibungs- und Vertragswesen

  • Vertrag


  • Kaufmännische Projektstatusbericht
  • Projektabschlussbericht
  • Projektstatusbericht
  • QS-Bericht

Lieferung und Abnahme

  • Abnahmeerklärung
  • Liefergegenstand
  • Lieferung


  • Ausbildungsunterlage
  • Ersatzteil
  • Instandhaltungsdokumentation
  • Instandsetzungsdokumentation
  • Nutzungsdokumentation


  • Prüfung
  • Änderung

Planung und Steuerung

  • Kaufmännische Projektfortschrittsentscheidung
  • Kaufmännische Projektkalkulation
  • Projektplan

Problem- und Änderungsmanagement

  • Problembewertung
  • Problemmeldung
  • Änderungsantrag
  • Änderungsbewertung
  • Änderungsentscheidung


  • Abnahmeprotokoll
  • Abnahmespezifikation
  • Nachweisakte
  • Prüfprotokoll
  • Prüfprotokoll Systemelement
  • Prüfprozedur Systemelement
  • Prüfspezifikation
  • Prüfspezifikation Systemelement
  • QS-Handbuch


  • Altsystemanalyse
  • Datenschutzkonzept
  • Informationssicherheitskonzept
  • Lastenheft
  • Pflichtenheft
  • Sicherheitsanalyse


  • Externe Einheite
  • Externe HW-Modul
  • Externe SW-Modul
  • HW-Einheit
  • HW-Komponente
  • HW-Modul
  • Segment
  • SW-Einheit
  • SW-Komponente
  • SW-Modul
  • System
Legal Issues

V-Modell® is a registered trademark of the Federal Republic of Germany.

Its use in this add-on for Confluence is licensed under the Apache License 2.0.

Today we added a new tip on

Search Space for Index Spaces

with the projectdoc Toolbox for Confluence.

This tip shows how to configure the default spaces used by projectdoc's search macros, such as the Display Table Macro.

What is projectdoc?

The projectdoc Toolbox is a collection of a large number of tools to help teams to create modular, agile documentation collaboratively and with fun. The toolbox is an add-on for Confluence and is available on the Atlassian Marketplace.

The tools in the projectdoc Toolbox consist basically of macros, doctypes, and a handful of conventions. The number of these tools is overwhelming, especially for new users.

One Tip at a Time

Learning a new tool is not easy because users need to get their tasks done. Learning a new tool takes time, time that is not available.

Learning by tips - one tip at a time

Users learn some interesting aspects of projectdoc by reading one tip at a time. The tips show aspects of projectdoc and link to resources to learn more about a specific top - just in case.

Feedback welcome!

If you have questions or comments, please get in touch!

projectdoc Toolbox 2.4

Today we released version 2.4 of the projectdoc Toolbox for Confluence!

projectdoc supports agile teams creating and maintaining project documentation. It provides templates and tools to improve the collaboration of team members.

This release provides new features, improvements for existing features and bugfixes.

For more information, please refer to the release notes.

Today we added a new tip on

Remote Control

with the projectdoc Toolbox for Confluence.

This tip shows how to configure pages to render content that is controlled by HTTP query string.

What is projectdoc?

The projectdoc Toolbox is a collection of a large number of tools to help teams to create modular, agile documentation collaboratively and with fun. The toolbox is an add-on for Confluence and is available on the Atlassian Marketplace.

The tools in the projectdoc Toolbox consist basically of macros, doctypes, and a handful of conventions. The number of these tools is overwhelming, especially for new users.

One Tip at a Time

Learning a new tool is not easy because users need to get their tasks done. Learning a new tool takes time, time that is not available.

Learning by tips - one tip at a time

Users learn some interesting aspects of projectdoc by reading one tip at a time. The tips show aspects of projectdoc and link to resources to learn more about a specific top - just in case.

Feedback welcome!

If you have questions or comments, please get in touch!